WKDT Radio
In 1954, KDET was heard through the electrical outlets in Central Area. Cadets plugged radios into electrical outlets in the barracks to hear the “carrier current” station, whose AM signals were transmitted through the USMA power lines. In 1972, the club was granted permission to begin on-air broadcasts, and the station was given a new name – WKDT.
Today, WKDT is the musical backbone of the Corps of Cadets. In addition to providing radio entertainment over 89.3 FM, the club also provides music and sound support for many cadet functions. Members regularly support a wide range of events, including Spirit Dinners, Brigade Open tournaments, Army rugby competitions, the Cow Club, Company and Department parties, and Intramural Championships. Additionally, WKDT is “the Voice of the Corps”, providing live radio coverage of Army football, basketball, baseball, lacrosse, and hockey.
Most importantly, WKDT members develop close friendships with each other in their time working with the club. Cadets involved in WKDT come down to the station regularly to produce music, to host radio shows, to hone their DJ skills, to maintain sound equipment and the radio station, and to spend time with friends. WKDT is the media hub of the Corps of Cadets, providing media support for events of all kinds.