Robotics Club

Calling all innovators! Whether you're a complete beginner or a seasoned roboticist, the Robotics Club has three components propel you forward:


  • Tinkerers and Experimenters: DIY projects, rapid-prototyping, hands-on learning. With access to tools, materials, and expert guidance to bring your ideas to life, projects start as small circuit kits and robots for beginners and increase in complexity as cadets branch out to test their own ideas
  • Competitive Teams: The robotics club supports cadet teams that wish to design, build, and compete in robotics competitions. Past competitions include Amazon DeepRacer, NASA Lunabotics, Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition, Indy Autonomous Challenge, and Maker Faire.
  • Future Applied Systems Team (FAST): FAST connects soldiers with contractors and researchers to enhance the integration of technologies while developing the tactics, techniques, and procedures for squad and platoon level infantry units augmented by robotics and autonomous systems (RAS).


No matter your experience level, the Robotics Club offers a fun and collaborative environment to explore the future of technology.


Contact us and join the revolution!

Officer in Charge

LTC William North
(845) 938-8624