LTC Samuel Cowart
Assistant Director, Chemical Engineering Program
LTC Cowart is the Course Director and instructor for CH485 (Heat & Mass Transfer), CH364 (Chemical Reaction Engineering) and CH362 (Mass & Energy Balances). He commissioned as a field artillery officer in 2002 from the University of North Dakota, where he also earned a B.S. degree in chemical engineering. His operational assignments led to duties from cannon platoon leader to battalion executive officer in light and heavy field artillery, cavalry, and infantry battalions, with operational deployments to Iraq, Jordan, the UAE, and Syria.
He completed M.S. and Ph.D. studies at the University of North Dakota where he concentrated on electrochemical deposition of refractory metals from ionic liquid electrolytes and computational fluid dynamics studies of oxy-fuel combustion.
LTC Cowart has previously served as a Hockey Officer Representative, a member of the USMA Admissions Committee, a Course Director for CH101, and a Department Academic Counselor.
Ongoing Research Projects
LTC Cowart’s research interests focus on the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to explore combustion phenomena. He is currently investigating mechanisms of deflagration-to-detonation transitions (DDT) of simple hydrocarbon fuels with application toward development of feasible pulse detonation engines. Additional research interests include computationally efficient combustion reaction mechanisms, soot production from hydrocarbon flames, and heat transfer aspects of premixed and non-premixed oxy-fuel combustion.
Publications & Presentations
Peer-Reviewed Publications
M. Armstrong, S. Cowart, C. James, A. Biaglow, “Comparison of pure component thermodynamic properties from CHEMCAD with direct calculation using the Soave-Redlich-Kwong equation of state,” Chemical Data Collections, vol. 41, Oct. 2022.
S. V. Cowart and G. Krishnamoorthy, “On the relative contributions of soot to radiative heat transfer at different oxygen indices in ethylene – O2/CO2 laminar diffusion flames,” Fuel, vol. 285, Feb. 2021.
S. V. Cowart and G. Krishnamoorthy, “A comprehensive assessment of heat loss mechanisms on the propagation of lean, premixed ethylene-oxygen flames in millimeter-scale tubes,” Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 176, Jul. 2020.
Abstracts & Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
2013 Department of Defense Virtual Corrosion Conference, September 16th – 17th, 2013. “Galvanostatic tests concerning electrodeposition of tantalum in a technical setup with different ionic liquid-based electrolytes”, J. Fischer, S. Cowart, M. Mann, D. Larson, K. Leadbetter, M. Kading, and D. Sisk. (Presentation)