Ms. Karen Peck

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Ms. Karen Peck

Human Research Protections Program


Karen Peck has been a member of the West Point community since 1999 when she joined the USMA faculty as an athletic trainer and instructor in the Department of Physical Education. In 2007, she was promoted to Director of Sports Medicine. In April of 2011, she pivoted to a new career as a Clinical Researcher Coordinator for the John A. Feagin Jr. Sports Medicine Fellowship at Keller Army Community Hospital at West Point. In April of 2019, Karen re-joined the USMA faculty and is now the Human Protections Director overseeing USMA’s Human Research Protections Program. In addition to her official duties, Karen is actively involved with the Army West Point Women’s Tennis Team and the Cadet Ski Patrol Club.

Publications & Presentations

Houston MN, Bookbinder HA, Roach SP, Ross JD, Aderman MJ, Peck KY, Malvasi SR, Svoboda SJ, Cameron KL. Reference Values for the Headache Impact Test-6 Questionnaire. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2021;102(12):2369-2376


Venrick CB, Miraldi SFP, DiStefano LJ, Peck KY, Posner MA, Houston MN, Padua DA, Marshall SW, Cameron KL. Differences in Lower Extremity Movement Quality by Level of Sport Specialization in Cadets entering a United States Service Academy. Sports Health. 2021;13(6):588-593.


Bookbinder HA, Houston MN, Peck KY, Habecker S, Colsant B, Kelly TK, Roach SP, Malvasi SR, McGinty G, Campbell DE, Svoboda SJ, Cameron KL. Factors associated with delayed concussion reporting in United States Service Academy Cadets. J Athl Train. 2020;55(8):843-849.


Mauntel TC, Marshall SW, Hackney AC, Pietrosimone BG, Cameron KL, Peck KY, Trump JR, Padua DA. Trunk and Lower Extremity Movement Patterns, Stress Fracture Risk Factors, and Biomarkers of Bone Turnover in Military Trainees. J Athl Train. 2020;55(7):724-732.


Houston MN, VanPelt KL, D’Lauro CJ, Brodeur R, Campbell DE, McGinty GT, Jackson J, Kelly TK, Peck KY, Svoboda SJ, McAllister T, McCrea M, Broglio SP, Cameron KL. Test-Retest Reliability of Concussion Baseline Assessments in United States Service Academy Cadets: A Report from the NCAA-DoD CARE Consortium. J Int Neuropsych Soc. 2020;Jun 16:1-12.


Register-Mihalik JK, Kay MC, Kerr ZY, Peck KY, Houston MN, Gildner P, Svoboda SJ, Marshall SW, Cameron KL. (2019). Influence of concussion education exposure on concussion-related educational targets and self-reported disclosure behaviors. Military Medicine. 2020:185(3-4):403-409.


Houston MN, Roach SP, Peck KY, Svoboda SJ, Kelly TF, Malvasi SR, McGinty GT, Campbell DE, Cameron KL. The influence of self-reported tobacco use on baseline concussion assessments. Mil Med. 2020;185(3-4):431-437.


Register-Mihalik JK, Marshall SW, Kay MC, Kerr ZY, Peck KY, Houston MN, Linnan LA, Hennink-Kaminski H, Gildner P, Svoboda SJ, Cameron KL. Perceived social norms and concussion disclosure behaviors among first-year NCAA student-athletes: Implications for concussion prevention and education. Res Sports Med. 2020; Jan 25:1-11


Houston MN, Hock MN, Malvasi SR, Peck KY, Svoboda SJ, Cameron KL. Level of agreement between human-rated and instrumented Balance Error Scoring System scores. 2019. Annals Biomed Engineer. 2019;47(10):2128-2135.


Cameron KL, Tennent DJ, Sturdivant R, Posner MA, Peck KY, Campbell S, Westrick RB, Owens BD. Increased glenoid retroversion is associated with increased rotator cuff strength in the shoulder. Am J Sports Med. 2019;47(8):1893-1900.


Register-Mihalik JK, Cameron KL, Kay MC, Kerr ZY, Peck KY, Houston MN, Linnan LA, Hennink-Kaminski H, Gildner P, Svoboda SJ, Marshall SW. Determinants of Intention to Disclose Concussion Symptoms in a Population of US Military Cadets. 2018. J Sci Med Sport. 2019;22(5):509-515.


Houston MN, Peck KY, Malvasi SR, Roach SP, Svoboda SJ, Cameron KL. Reference Values for the Balance Error Scoring System as measured by the Tekscan Mobile Mat™ in a Physically Active Population. Brain Injury. 2019;33(3):299-304.


O’Connor KL, Allred CD, Cameron KL, Campbell DE, D’Lauro CJ, Houston MN, Johnson BR, Kelly TK, McGinty GT, O’Donnell PG, Peck KY, Svoboda SJ, Pasquina P, McAllister T, McCrea M, Broglio SP. Descriptive analysis of a baseline concussion battery among U.S. service academy members: Results from the Concussion Assessment, Research, and Education (CARE) Consortium. Mil Med. 2018;183(Nov 1):11-12.


Antosh IJ, Svoboda SJ, Peck KY, Garcia EJ, Cameron KL. Change in KOOS and WOMAC Scores from Pre-injury Baseline in a Young Athletic Population With and Without ACL Injury. Am J Sports Med. 2018;46(7):1606-1616.


Flint JH, Pickett A, Owens BD, Svoboda SJ, Peck KY, Cameron KL, Biery J, Giuliani J, Rue JP. Recurrent shoulder instability in a young, active, military population and its professional implications. Sports Health. 2018;10(1):54-59.     


Dickens JF, Rue JP, Cameron KL, Tokish JM, Peck KY, Allred CD, Svoboda SJ, Sullivan R, Kilcoyne K, Owens BD. Successful return to sport following arthroscopic shoulder stabilization versus non-operative management in contact athletes with anterior shoulder instability: A prospective multicenter study. Am J Sports Med. 2017;45(11):2540-2546.


Dickens JF, Owens BD, Cameron KL, DeBerardino TM, Masini BD, Peck KY, Svoboda SJ. The Effect of Subcritical Bone Loss and Exposure on Recurrent Instability After Arthroscopic Bankart Repair in Intercollegiate American Football. Am J Sports Med. 2017;45(8):1769-1775.


Peck KY, DiStefano LJ, Marshall SW, Padua DA, Beutler AI, de la Motte SJ, Frank BS, Martinez JC, Cameron KL. Effect of a Lower Extremity Preventive Training Program on Physical Performance Scores in Military Recruits. J Strength Cond Res. 2017;31(11):3146-3157.


Mauntel TC, Padua DA, Stanley LE, Frank BS, DiStefano LJ, Peck KY, Cameron KL, Marshall SW. Automated Quantification of the Landing Error Scoring System with a Markerless Motion Capture System. J Athl Train. 2017;52(11):1002-1009.


DiStefano LJ, Padua DA, Peck KY, Frank BS, Beutler AI, de la Motte SJ, Martinez JC, Marshall SW, Cameron KL. The effects of an injury prevention program on landing biomechanics over time. Am J Sports Med. 2016;44(3):767-776.


Owens BD, Cameron KL, Peck KY, DeBerardino TM, Nelson BJ, Taylor DC, Tenuta J, Svoboda SJ. Arthroscopic versus open stabilization for anterior shoulder subluxations. Orthop J Sports Med. 2015;3(1):1-4.


Cameron KL, Peck KY, Thompson BS, Svoboda SJ, Owens BD, Marshall SW. Reference Values for the Marx Activity Rating Scale in a Young Athletic Population: History of Knee Ligament Injury Is Associated With Higher Scores. Sports Health. 2015;7(5):403-408.


Dickens JF, Owens BD, Cameron KL, Kilcoyne K, Allred CD, Svoboda SJ, Sullivan R, Tokish JM, Peck KY, Rue JP. Return to play and recurrent instability after in-season anterior shoulder instability: a prospective multi-center study. Am J Sports Med. 2014;42(12):2842-2850.


Peck KY, Johnston DA, Owens BD, Cameron KL. The incidence of injury among male and female intercollegiate rugby players. Sports Health. 2013;5(4):327-333.


Cameron KL, Thompson BS, Peck KY, Owens BD, Marshall SW, Svoboda SJ. Normative values for the KOOS and WOMAC in a young athletic population: History of knee ligament injury is associated with lower scores.  Am J Sports Med. 2013;41(3):582-589.


Select Presentations

Peck KY, DiStefano LJ, Marshall SW, Padua DA, Beutler AI, de la Motte SJ, Cameron KL. Evaluating the contact nature of acute ACL injury using a rigorous patient-reported operational definition. Presented at the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Meeting, 28 June 2018, Orleans LA.


Peck KY, Carminati SK, Houston MN, Colsant BJ, Kelly TF, Roach SP, Malvasi SR, McGinty GT, Campbell DE, Cameron KL, Svoboda SJ. Factors associated with delayed concussion reporting in military academy cadets. Presented at the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Meeting, 27 June 2017, Houston TX.


Peck KY, Marshall SW, Svoboda SJ, Owens BD, Jones JC, Cameron KL. The Utility of a Modified Balance Error Scoring System for Identifying Athletes at Increased Risk of Ankle Sprain. Presented at the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Meeting, 25 June 2015, St. Louis MO.


Peck KY, DiStefano LJ, Marshall SW, Padua DA, Beutler AI, de la Motte SJ, Cameron KL. Effect of a Lower Extremity Injury Prevention Program on Physical Performance Scores in Military Recruits. Presented at the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Meeting, 25 June 2013, Las Vegas NV.


Peck KY, Cameron KL. The Incidence of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Associated with Participation in Rugby.  Presented at the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Meeting, June 2002, Dallas TX.


Peck KY, Houston MN, Miraldi SFP, Eckard TG, DiStefano LJ, Padua DA, Marshall SW, Cameron KL. Exposure to movement challenges is not adequate to ensure the development of high-quality movement patterns. Poster presentation at the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium. Las Vegas NV. 25 June 2019.


Peck KY, Johnston DA, Owens BD, Cameron KL. The Incidence of Injury Among Male and Female Intercollegiate Rugby Players. Poster presentation at the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Meeting, June 2012, St. Louis MO.


Reynolds KY, Webright WG.  Unusual Presentation of Mild Head Injury in a Female Soccer Player:  A Case Report. Poster presentation at the Eastern Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Meeting, January 2001, Providence RI.


Reynolds KY, Joyce CJ, Perrin DH, Gansneder BM.  Effect of Pain on Standardized Assessment of Concussion and Trail Making Test Scores. Poster presentation at the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Meeting, June 2000, Nashville TN.


Book Chapters

LeBoeuf MK, Butler LF. Fit and Active – The West Point Physical Development Program, Human Kinetics, 2008. (Tennis Chapter by Karen Y. Peck and Sandor Helfgott)


Butler LF. Teaching Lifetime Sports. Westport CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. 2001. (Tennis Chapter by Karen Y. Reynolds)