Captain Kaiwen Lin official photo in uniform with flag

CPT Kaiwen Lin

Instructor of Chinese


CPT Kaiwen Lin commissioned as a Military Intelligence officer through the United States Military Academy in 2015, where he received Bachelor's degrees in Comparative Politics and Chinese. Immediately following graduation, he earned a Master of Arts in International Studies at National Chengchi University in Taiwan as a Fulbright Foundation Scholar.

CPT Lin has previously served as a senior intelligence analyst in support of a deployed joint task force; as the Battalion Intelligence Officer of the 3rd Military Intelligence Battalion (Aerial Exploitation); as the Assistant Brigade Intelligence Officer of the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division; and most recently as the commander of Delta Company, 2nd Brigade Engineer Battalion during its deployment to Korea.

CPT Lin is a native of Northern New Jersey who enjoys scuba diving, reading, and eating his way through New York City.