MAJ William McGehee
CPT McGehee graduated from Northern Arizona University in 2011 and commissioned as a Military Intelligence Officer with an Armor branch detail. His past duty positions include Maintenance Platoon Leader, Scout Platoon Leader, Squadron Assistant Operations Officer, and Battalion S2/ Intelligence OIC. CPT McGehee earned a MA in English Literature at Vanderbilt University prior to his arrival to the Department. He is married to Katherine, and they have three wonderful children, Vivian, Simon, and Damian.
Battalion S2, 1st Battalion 67th Armor Regiment (2017-19)
Assistant Operations Officer, 3rd Squadron 61st Cavalry Regiment (2014-16)
Platoon Leader, B Troop, 3rd Squadron 61st Cavalry Regiment (2012-14)
Platoon Leader, D Troop, 3rd Squadron 61st Cavalry Regiment (2012)
Ongoing Research Projects
My literary interests center on the implications of war and conflict with two distinct, but often overlapping, threads of inquiry. First, I focus on “modern warfare” (in my mind, meaning post-WWII to the present) and how it shapes the world and global perceptions. Second, I am interested in the post and transhumanist implications surrounding CYBORGS in war, as we are at a juncture in history where the fantastic imagery of science fiction is starting to blur with the reality of our emerging technology. Where my first focus has an eye to the near past the present as it recedes into history, my second focus interrogates the imaginative concepts that will shape combat in the future.
Publications & Presentations
“The Ghost Outside the Machine: Exploring a Novel Dualism,” Presented at NeMLA 2021