Using Plain Language

What Is Plain Language?

Plain language is one element of clear communication. It means you are communicating with your audience in a way that’s understandable and direct. 

Writing in a way so readers can: 

  • Understand the first time they read it 
  • Find what they need 
  • Understand what they find 
  • Use what they find to meet their needs 

Why Should You Use it?

  • Best way to communicate effectively (Effective communication
  • Focused on your reader's needs (Reader Focus
  • Readers are more likely to understand your intended meaning (Reader Comprehension
  • Readers are less likely to ask for explanations (Fewer Reader Questions
  • Makes government services more accessible (Accessible Government
  • Readers can trust the government more (Trust in Government

Before You Start...

Know your purpose. 

Is your purpose “to inform the reader”? Think again. Most informative writing is actually meant to be persuasive, too. For example, besides informing your readers about their risk for heart disease, do you want to persuade them to get their cholesterol checked? 

How to Use Plain Language