COL Diana Loucks

COL Diana Loucks

Academy Professor


Colonel Diana Loucks is an Academy Professor and serves as the Director of Advanced Physics in the Department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (D/PaNE). As a Signaleer, her assignments include Korea (July 1997-July 1998), Germany (August 1998 – September 2001), and Fort Bragg, North Carolina (April 2002 – May 2006), including a deployment in support to Multi-National Corps Iraq at Camp Victory, Logistics Support Area Anaconda, and Al Asad Airbase during Operation IRAQI FREEDOM.  Colonel Loucks became a Space Operations Officer in 2009 and served as the Chief of Space and Special Programs for the 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, Colorado, including support to combat operations as a member of Combined Joint Task Force – 4 (June 2013 – April 2014), Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan.

Colonel Loucks earned both a masters and a PhD in Aerospace Engineering Sciences from the University of Colorado, Boulder Colorado. During her masters’ studies (June 2006 - May 2008) she participated as the communications subsystem design lead on a graduate design team for the Air Force Research Laboratory sponsored University Nanosat V Competition winner: the Drag and Atmospheric Neutral Density Explorer (DANDE). Colonel Loucks went on to earn her PhD in 2017 and was recently named the first West Point recipient of the National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Program for her research focused on the physical mechanisms & operational effects of ionospheric interference on unencrypted navigation solution parameters. 

Additionally, Colonel Loucks serves currently as the Faculty Officer in Charge of the Protestant Chapel Choir and Chair of the Local Organizing Committee for West Point as a host site for the Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics. Colonel Loucks’ military awards include the Bronze Star Medal (1 OLC), the Meritorious Service Medal (1 OLC), the Army Commendation Medal (2 OLC), and the Air Force Commendation Medal. She has earned both the Master Space and Basic Parachutist badges. She is a 2022 recipient of the University of Colorado Ann and H.J. Smead Aerospace Engineering Sciences department Outstanding Alumni for Excellence in Public Service award. Colonel Loucks is stationed here with her husband, Lieutenant Colonel Gary A Loucks, Jr., Chief of Operations and Plans, Army Cyber Institute, and their four beagles, Leo (10), Lillie (10), Clay (5) and Bentley (2).

Ongoing Research Projects

GPS Scintillation in the Arctic: operational impacts and the physics behind it

Space Weather

Balloon satellite station keeping

Publications & Presentations

Detection of High-latitude Ionospheric Plasma Conditions Leading to GPS Scintillations Using a Novel Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar Mode, J. Willis, D. Loucks, Space Weather Workshop, (Virtual), (2022).

Analysis in Ionospheric Navigation Solution Parameters, D. Rudakevych, G. Tang, D. Loucks, M. Tran, Space Weather Workshop, (Virtual), (2022).

The Effect of Density Enhancements on Radio Wave Propagation in the F-Region of the Ionosphere, E. Harris, I. Escapa, A. Komisza, D. Loucks Space Weather Workshop, (Virtual), (2022).

Streamlining experiment projections for Resolute Bay Incoherent Scatter Radar (RISR) to facilitate research of space weather driven global positioning system scintillations, A. Hoxeng, D. Loucks, W. Wright, C. Oxendine, Proceedings of the 2021 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Belgium (Virtual),, (2021).

USMA Space Cadets: The First Class, C. L. Galliand, A. L. Kedrowitsch, D. Loucks, Proceedings of the Small Satellite Conference, Educational Programs, SSC20-WKV-10,, (2020).

Educating Future Leaders about Space at West Point: Annual update 10 Years Later, N. Lewis, D. Loucks, W. Wright, SMDC Purview,… (2020).

High-latitude GPS phase scintillation from E region electron density gradients during the 20–21 December2015 geomagnetic storm, D. Loucks, S. Palo, M. Pilinski, G. Crowley, I. Azeem, and D. Hampton, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 122, doi:10.1002/2016JA023839.2017 (2017).

Impact of High-Latitude Ionospheric E Region Enhancements on Global Positioning System Scintillations in the Alaskan Sector, D. Loucks, Aerospace Engineering Sciences Graduate Theses & Dissertations (2017).

Educating Future Leaders about Space at West Point, D. Loucks, K. Chadwick, J. Mikhaylov, A. Pfluger, T. Pugsley, W. Wright, Army Space Journal,, (2011).