Robotics Research
Robotics Research
Current Research
The Robotics Research Center conducts basic and applied research in robotics and autonomous systems, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to solve Army and Joint Force problems.
Research Projects
Multi-Domain Operations Testbed (OUSD-R&E and ONR)
Squad with Autonomous Teammates (ONR)
Sub-T Exploration (ERDC)
Edge-Enhanced Mapping and Positioning System (DTRA)
Radiation and Detection Robot (DTRA)
Ultra-wide band Synthetic Aperture Radar on a sUAS (ARL and ONR)
Distributed and Collaborative Intelligent Systems Technology (ARL)
Prometheus Torch (SOCOM)
Swarms (DEVCOM-AC, DEVCOM-CBC, DEVCOM Analysis Center)
Blood Hound Gang (ARL and C5ISR)
Indy Autonomous Challenge
Self-Driving Vehicle (GVSC)
Ethics of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (Carnegie Foundation)
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense Research & Engineering (OUSD-R&E)
Office of Naval Research (ONR)
Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)
Engineering Research and Development Center (ERDC)
Army Research Laboratory (DEVCOM ARL)
Special Operations Command (SOCOM)
National Security Agency (NSA)
Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)
Ground Vehicle Systems Center (DEVCOM GVSC)
Armament Center (DEVCOM AC)
Army AI Integration Center (AI2C)
Human-Robot Teaming, Mechatronics, and Embedded Systems Lab - Thayer Hall 1136
Aerial Robotics Lab - Thayer Hall 208
Dynamics and Controls Lab - Thayer Hall 174
Robotics Trailer - River Courts
Robotics Garage - Thayer Hall Moat
MOUT Site - Camp Shea
Lake Popolopen - Camp Buckner
Student Opportunities
Summer Internships (Academic Individual Advanced Development - AIAD)
Robotics Minor and Depth Options
Conference and Journal Publications
Independent Studies
Senior Design Capstone Projects
Honors Thesis Projects