Sloan professional profile

Dr. CarlyWill Sloan

Assistant Professor of Economics


Dr. CarlyWill Sloan is an Assistant Professor of Economics. Her research interests include labor economics, the economics of crime, and the economics of discrimination. At West Point, she teaches Principles of Economics and Public Economics. Dr. Sloan received her B.A. in Economics from Rhodes College and her Ph.D. from Texas A&M University.

Visit Dr. Sloan's personal website here. 

Ongoing Research Projects

Does Violence on the Job Change Police Behavior?

The Effect of Field Training Officers on Police Use of Force with Chandon Adger and Matt Ross

Publications & Presentations

Does Race Matter for Police Use of Force? Evidence from 911 Calls with Mark Hoekstra American Economic Review, 112, 2022

Minimum Wage and Search Effort with Camilla Adams and Jonathan Meer Economic Letters, 212, 2022

The Effect of Risk Assessment Scores on Judicial Behavior and Defendant Outcomes with George Naufal and Heather Caspers  Journal of Human Resources forthcoming

Can Text Messages Reduce Incarceration in Rural and Vulnerable Populations? with Emily Owens Journal of Policy Analysis and Management forthcoming