GEnE Prospective Staff & Faculty

GEnE Prospective Staff & Faculty

Join Team GEnE!

The Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering is built around a core of world-class credentialed faculty and trained staff who educate, develop, and inspire cadets to think globally and geospatially who are capable of applying their understanding of human-environment interactions to develop culturally appropriate, and sustainable solutions.

The Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering's Research Centers offer a robust selection of research, scholarship, collaboration, and professional development opportunities to help our faculty remain at the forefront of their disciplines.  The Department continually seeks talented civilian and military faculty who are experts in the disciplines that comprise our majors and minor -- environmental engineering, environmental science, geography, and geospatial information science -- and are committed to enhancing the education and development of cadets.

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Rotating Military Faculty

Rotating military faculty positions are for military officers to teach at West Point for three years before returning to their basic branch or functional area.  Selected officers will attend graduate school through Advanced Civil Schooling for two to three years before returning to teach.  The entire tour as a rotating instructor is typically five years.

  • GEnE typically seeks mid-grade captains, or those military officers currently in their 5th, 6th, or 7th years of service, to earn master's degrees and serve as junior rotating military faculty.
  • GEnE occasionally selects key developmental assignment-complete majors or lieutenant colonels to earn doctoral degrees and serve as senior rotating instructors.
  • At times, GEnE may have positions available for direct hire candidates who already possess an appropriate advanced degree.  Availability varies.
  • Application packets for interested military officers are generally due by 1 November of any given year.

Please contact the Department Personnel Officer for more information and indicate interest by initiating an application in TEACH.

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Civilian Faculty and Academy Professors

Civilian (non-military) faculty provide an essential element of faculty excellence and diversity.  Our civilian faculty members exemplify dedicated civilian service to the Nation and exceptionally high professional and personal standards within the community of educators and scholars.  Civilian faculty positions are hired at the instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, and full professor levels.  Additional opportunities exist for postdoctoral, fellowship, and visiting professor positions.  Salaries are highly competitive with other top four-year undergraduate institutions. 

Academy Professors (FA47) are permanent faculty positions in which the military officer must earn a doctoral degree and then transition to Functional Area 47 (FA47) for the remainder of his or her career.  The hiring process is handled by an external committee.

Please contact the Department Personnel Officer to inquire about positions for both Civilian faculty and Academy Professors.  

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Contact the Personnel Officer

United States Military Academy
Mail and Distribution Center
646 Swift Road
West Point, NY  10996-1905

Personnel Officer
Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering

Join the GEnE Staff!

Staff positions support the U.S. Military Academy's and West Point Garrison's operations.  Staff members are world-class professionals in their fields, which include administration, computer and network services, supply and logistics, and other support areas.  Support staff at West Point are career professional Government Service employees serving under the provisions of Title 5 U.S. Code in grades GS-5 through GS-14. 

Applicants must comply with U.S. Government Office of Personnel Management (OPM) procedures; the Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering cannot accept applications directly.

Vacancy announcements appear on USAJOBS.