Summer Internships
Summer Internships
Geography and Environmental Engineering (GEnE)
Summer Internships:
Experience academic opportunities outside the classroom!
Broaden your academic and professional horizons through our summer internship, work-study, and immersion and enrichment experiences. These are amazing opportunities for immersion in a professional setting, diving further into academic interests, or introduction to new cultures, societies, or locations. Review the advertisements for this upcoming summer in the menus below and contact the representatives listed.
We appreciate our partners that enable these opportunities, as well as those experiences funded via West Point Association of Graduates' Margin of Excellence program.
View the Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering (GEnE) main page.
Surveying Ground Truth for Helicopter Landing Zone Analysis
DoD Humanitarian Project Assessment
Applied Urban Geography, A New York City Case Study
High Resolution Imaging and Surveying of the Alaska North Slope
Israel through the Strategy and Policy Lens Tour
Geology Field Course
Civil Affairs/Psychological Operations
Applied Urban Geography, A New York City Case Study
Severe Weather Preparedness and Training
Geospatial Engineering across the United States
Surveying Ground Truth for Helicopter Landing Zone Analysis
United States Forest Service
3D Visualization, Modeling, and Simulation Internship at USC's Institute for Creative Technologies
DoD Humanitarian Project Assessment
Geospatial Engineering for the Environment
Waste-to-Energy through Anaerobic Digestion at Itility
Applied Urban Geography, A New York City Case Study
DoD Humanitarian Project Assessment
Iceland Human-Environment Expedition
Severe Weather Preparedness and Training
IAD #17222
Title: Intelligent Environmental Battlespace Awareness (IEBA)
Location: Vicksburg, Mississippi, and Austin, Texas
Sponsoring Agency: United States Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)
Sponsoring GEnE Program: Geospatial Information Science
Duration: approx. 3 weeks
Cadets will provide direct support to a global vegetation characterization project for the United States Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC). The team’s main focus is to generate a global layer of forest [ecological] analogs by applying machine learning to remotely sensed, geographic, and environmental data. This summer internship will be split in to three parts: 1) a tour of the ERDC offices being introduced to the offices and personnel conducting research and the equipment they use; 2) hands on forest and ground data collection to support the classification algorithm; and, 3) tours of the Air and Space museum and ERDC's Geospatial Research Laboratory (GRL). Through this summer internship, cadets will get exposure to real-world applications of remote sensing and ground classification and have the opportunity to build a network that can support future research and honors projects. For more information, contact CPT Carter Kelly at x3938 or
IAD #17223
Title: The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) InnoVision Directorate
Location: Fort Belvoir, Virginia
Sponsoring Agency: National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA)
Sponsoring GEnE Program: Geospatial Information Science
Duration: approx. 3 weeks
The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) is both the Department of Defense and Intelligence Community's primary geospatial analysis and support organization. The InnoVision Directorate is NGA’s research and development (R&D) component. Cadets on this AIAD work with a geospatial research scientist on geospatial programs supporting warfighters in the field. This AIAD requires a TS-SCI clearance and therefore we select cadets for this AIAD in advance. This AIAD will be based out of the NGA's campus in Fort Belvoir, VA, approximately 20 minutes south of Washington, D.C. For more information or to be considered for next year's AIAD contact CPT Carter Kelly at x3938 or
IAD #17260
Title: Data Science for the Real-World: Water Engineering
Location: Golden, Colorado, and West Point, New York
Sponsoring: National Science Foundation's Mo(Wa)2TER program
Sponsoring GEnE Program: Environmental
Duration: 10 days
Modern scientists and engineers need to be able to apply modern tools to real-world data, which more-often-than-not does not follow the conventional assumptions taught in introductory statistics courses. This summer work-study will teach Cadets to improve their data analysis and programming skills with the R language and envision using these tools in their future careers in environmental engineering. In mid-June, a multi-institutional workshop will be held in Golden, Colorado, for a “crash course” in environmental data science in R. After the workshop, Cadets will return to West Point to work with a faculty advisor on an environmental data science problem of their choosing. For information, contact Dr. Newhart at 720-253-6323 or
IAD #17281
Title: Surveying Ground Truth for Helicopter Landing Zone (HLZ) Analysis
Location: Numerous, TBD
Sponsoring Agency: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
Sponsoring GEnE Program: Geospatial Information Science
Duration: approx. 3 weeks
On this summer work-study, Cadets will travel to different areas which may include Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Washington, and California to collect field data in support of an NGA-funded research project. Cadets on this AIAD will work with various USMA faculty members on real-world geospatial issues (HLZ modeling). For more information or to be considered contact CPT Carter Kelly at x3938 or or CPT Victoria Gramlich at x0124 or
IAD #17297
Title: High Efficiency Plasma for Battery Recycling
Location: North Andover, Massachusetts (also possible for Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
Sponsoring Agency: 6K, Inc.
Sponsoring GEnE Program: Environmental
Duration: approx. 21 days (3 weeks)
6K, Inc. is a leader in plasma technologies applied to end of life-cycle metal recycling. Their battery division, based in North Andover, Massachusetts, aims to convert used electronic waste, recycle it, and establish a domestic source of rare earth metals such as Lithium. Cadets with interest in the circular economy, additive manufacturing, and battery chemistry would benefit from this summer internship. For information, contact LTC Dennis Sugrue at
IAD #17354
Title: Israel through the Strategy and Policy Lens Tour
Location: Israel, including Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, Golan, the Dead Sea, Negev Desert
Sponsoring Agency: The MirYam Institute
Sponsoring GEnE Program: Geography
Duration: June 3-18
Sponsored by the MirYam Institute, Cadets will travel to Poland and then continue to Israel. Participants will participate in substantive policy briefings by current and former policy makers within the State of Israel. On-site briefings by Israeli leaders and practitioners afford delegates the opportunity to contextualize the subjects often discussed in the international press and to explore them with those who played a role in developing policy. Question and answer sessions will take place following each briefing in order to provide ample opportunity for participants to explore and refine the subjects at hand. A rich, cultural immersion within Israel will form a key aspect of the tour, supplementing the daily policy briefings. Each Cadet is required to produce a travel journal and a series of reaction papers on the in-country briefings. Prerequisites for this summer immersion are an interview and country clearance. Interested cadets should contact MAJ Aaron Korman at x0073 or
IAD #17359
Title: Carbon Storage on Military Reservations
Location: West Point, New York
Sponsoring Agency: United States Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)
Sponsoring GEnE Program: Geospatial Information Science
Duration: approx. 3 weeks
Cadets will work with the Engineer Research and Development Center's (ERDC) Geospatial Research Laboratory (GRL) to measure carbon sequestration in the forests here at the United States Military Academy (USMA). This will be in direct support of the GRL's land cover classification initiative and will involve working with both remote sensing data (lab environment) and ground truth data (field environment) to meet the needs of the client organization. The project will be split into three phases: needs analysis, digital data collection, and field data collection. The needs analysis phase will consist of online meetings to assess project requirements. Data collection will also take place at USMA, where the cadet will acquire imagery of their identified study areas and go out to the field and collect measurements in accordance with GRL guidance. This flexible and practical summer internship is optimal for any cadet with GIS experience that needs to be at West Point during the summer, but wants to participate in the summer internship program. For more information, contact CPT Carter Kelly at x3938 or
IAD #17687
Title: DoD Humanitarian Assistance Projects Assessment (Morocco)
Location: Morocco
Sponsoring Agency: Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering / AFRICOM
Sponsoring GEnE Program: Geography
Duration: approx. 16 days (2 weeks)
CPT(P) Moriarty will lead two cadets to Morocco in support of AFRICOM's humanitarian assistance initiatives. The Department of Defense provides funding for Humanitarian Assistance (HA) Foreign Disaster Relief (FDR), and Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA) through the Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid (OHDACA) appropriation. Within USAFRICOM, these projects are supervised by the Humanitarian Assistance branch in the J56. HA projects completed within the last five years must be evaluated on a biennial basis to ensure they are accomplishing their desired goals and reflect positively on the US military. This inspection process is known as Country Program Monitoring (CPM). Cadets will perform several assessments in Morocco in support of USAFRICOM's CPM initiatives, while experiencing the cultures and landscapes of Sub-Saharan Africa. To express interest or obtain further information, contact CPT Daniel Moriarty at
IAD #17688
Title: Civil Affairs
Location: Fort Liberty, North Carolina
Sponsored by: 95th Civil Affairs Brigade
Sponsoring GEnE Program: Center for the Study of Civil-Military Affairs (CSCMO)
Duration: approx. 21 days (3 weeks)
This is an opportunity for one Cadet to intern with units of the U.S. Army Special Operations Command at Fort Liberty, North Carolina. Civil Affairs Brigade teams work with U.S. Department of State country teams, government and nongovernmental organizations at all levels and with local populations in peaceful, contingency and hostile environments. The Cadet will be expected to participate in specific training that can and will include both conventional and Special Operations Forces methods including but not limited to: exposure to language training, basic and advanced small arms marksmanship, combatives, Key Leader Engagement (KLE) training, and myriad tactical field work that can, and often does, affect operational lines of effort. To express interest or obtain further information, contact CPT Daniel Moriarty at
IAD #17689
Title: Development Transformations Institute
Location: Washington, DC
Sponsoring Agency: Development Transformations (DT) Institute
Sponsoring GEnE Program: Center for the Study of Civil-Military Operations (CSCMO)
Duration: 21 days (3 weeks)
This is an opportunity for one Cadet to intern at DT Institute in Washington, DC. DT Institute, a non-profit organization, serves as both a funder and an implementer for Development projects worldwide. It is focused on co-creation, co-investment, measurable impact, and sustainability. It is in the Institute’s DNA to be bold, enter early, and stay true to the communities and organizations it invest in. The Institute's staff are long-term collaborators who work with their partners and beneficiaries to skillfully adapt to the constantly shifting kaleidoscope of on-the-ground realities. DT works across the spectrum of the Civ-Mil domain to promote peace and prosperity for all people. To express interest or obtain further information, contact CPT Daniel Moriarty at
IAD #17698
Title: Nigeria and the Study of Irregular Warfare
Location: Abuja, Enugu, Nsukka, Lagos, Ibadan
Sponsoring Agency: Irregular Warfare Center (IWC)
Sponsoring GEnE Program: Geography
Duration: approx. 18 days (2.5 weeks)
United States Military Academy Cadets and faculty will travel to Nigeria to engage several institutions of strategic and intellectual significance to Nigeria's experiences with irregular conflict. As a strategic center of gravity on the continent, rich in natural resources, Nigeria's holds significance for understanding the geographic origins of conflict, state instability, and institution-building in challenging environments. West Point Cadets will visit key dignitaries in the Nigerian military as well as civilian officials with extensive experience in Nigerian affairs (e.g., healthcare, higher education, and archival preservation). They will engage the Nigerian Defense Academy to gain a richer understanding of comparative service academy experiences between the United States and Nigeria. In the archives, Cadets will learn how to conduct archival research pertaining to irregular warfare in colonial Nigeria; subjects will be selected from a list provided to the chosen Cadets.
NOTE: This AIAD is contingent upon all necessary security and country clearance determinations from the DAO Abuja and West Point personnel. No country clearance is possible until 90 days prior to March 29. Therefore, if you are interested in participating, please reach out to Dr. Russell Stevenson ( as soon as possible.
IAD #17699
Title: Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Study of Irregular Warfare
Location: Kinshasa, Bukavu, Lubumbashi, Kananga
Sponsoring Agency: Irregular Warfare Center (IWC)
Sponsoring GEnE Program: Geography
Duration: approx. 2+ weeks
United States Military Academy Cadets and faculty will travel to Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to engage several institutions of strategic and intellectual significance to DRC's experiences with irregular conflict. Conflict has hung over DRC since before its independence. Why is this, and how has it affected the population? Cadets and faculty will visit the Militaire Academie in Kinshasa to meet key military personnel with experience in the conflict regions of DRC. They will engage University of Kinshasa scholars on trauma to understand their work with PTSD among DRC conflict victims and visit an orphanage with conflict orphans. They will also attend a mining convention in Lubumbashi, in which they will see in real time a major economic variable in DRC's economic relations (e.g., cobalt and coltan). Finally, they will meet with an NGO with extensive experience in Buakvu; this NGO will highlight how humanitarian work functions in a non-governmental context in an austere region.
NOTE: This AIAD is contingent upon all necessary security and country clearance determinations from the DAO Kinshasa and West Point personnel. Please reach out to LTC Annemarie Ruppert (, LTC Deborah Daley (, or Dr. Russell Stevenson ( for more information.
IAD #17729
Title: Geospatial Engineering
Location: Fort Belvoir, Virginia
Sponsoring Agency: Army Geospatial Center; United States Army Corps of Engineers
Sponsoring GEnE Program: Geospatial Information Science
Duration: approx. 3 weeks
The Army Geospatial Center (formerly known as the Topographic Engineering Center, or TEC) is located at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. It is the Army’s research and support center for geospatial technology. It is a research and development lab whose role is to test, field, and support geospatial equipment and concepts for the Army. They work with state-of-the-art technologies and equipment related to mapping, surveying, GIS, GPS, and remote sensing. Prerequisite for this summer internship is that the Cadet must have successfully completed Remote Sensing, GIS, and Cartography. For more information, contact CPT Victoria Gramlich at x0124 or
IAD #17731
Title: Iceland Human-Environment Expedition
Location: Reykjavik, Iceland
Sponsoring Agency: Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering
Sponsoring GEnE Program: Geography
Duration: approx. 12 days
Iceland is a land of extremes, precariously situated where a mantle hot spot feeds volcanoes at the mid-Atlantic Ridge. Glaciers, coastal processes, and Viking legends shape the human-environment landscape. Cadets will study the geomorphological wonders, the cultural history and geography of the island, and walk across glaciers and lava fields. The prerequisite for this AIAD is EV203, a completed application, and an interview with the OIC. For information, contact LTC Rich Knox at
IAD #17737
Title: 3D Visualization, Modeling, and Simulation Internship
Location: Los Angeles, California
Sponsoring Agency: University of Southern California's Institute for Creative Technologies
Sponsoring GEnE Program: Geospatial Information Science
Duration: 3 weeks
Cadets will collaborate with researchers at the Institute for Creative Technologies (ICT) at the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles, California. ICT is a Department of Defense-sponsored University Affiliated Research Center that brings together film and game industry artists with computer and social scientists to study and develop immersive media for military training, health therapies, education and more. In the past, Cadets have gained experience with the use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)/drones to generate 3D models of real-world environments for virtual reality (VR) applications and simulations. For more information, contact Dr. Matt O’Banion at x2326 or or CPT Victoria Gramlich at x0124 or
IAD #17739
Title: Waste-to-Energy through Anaerobic Digestion
Location: Chantilly, Virginia
Sponsoring Agency: ITility
Sponsoring GEnE Program: Environmental
Duration: approx. 21 days (3 weeks)
Cadets will spend three weeks gaining hands-on experience working with anaerobic digesters designed to generate renewable energy (via methane production) from organic waste feedstocks. Cadets will also learn digester design techniques, operation approaches, performance characterization (e.g., organic removal and methane generation), and relevant microbiological techniques. This summer internship is sponsored by ITility, LLC, which is an Academy graduate-led company providing support to the Department of Defense in numerous areas, to include renewable energy from organic wastes. Cadets will spend time between two anaerobic digester projects in Northern Virginia and Maryland during the summer internship. For more information, contact COL Andy Pfluger at x2930 or
IAD #17740
Title: Installations, Energy and Environment Internship
Location: Pentagon, Washington, DC
Sponsoring Agency: Assistant Secretary of the Army (ASA) for Installations, Energy and Environment
Sponsoring GEnE Program: Environmental
Duration: approx. 21 days (3 weeks)
An in-depth 3-week experience in the Pentagon, where Cadets will learn how the Army addresses sustainability, resilience, and climate-related issues at a strategic level. This summer internship is open to Cadets from any major who are interested in energy and environment topic areas. Cadets will interface with many higher-level DoD and Army leaders during the experience, as well as work on discrete projects as needed by the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy and Environment (ASA IE&E). For more information, contact LTC Andy Pfluger at x2930 or
IAD #17741
Title: Environmental Field Science on West Point
Location: West Point, New York, and the Hudson Valley
Sponsoring Agency: Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering
Sponsoring GEnE Program: Environmental
Duration: approx. 2 weeks
Cadets will work with a senior faculty advisor on a research project within the local area. Previous projects have focused on Ground Penetrating Radar locating and characterizing buried structures dating back to the Revolutionary War, soil lead projects, and ecology/aquatic science projects like acoustic monitoring and microplastic characterizations. If you are considering a particular project you will need to discuss it with a faculty mentor to determine the viability as a research design. For information, contact MAJ Brett Krueger at x2588 or
IAD #17742
Title: USACE Engineering Research and Development Center Lab Experience
Location: Varies (7 labs)
Sponsoring Agency: Engineering Research and Development Center (ERDC), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
Sponsoring GEnE Program: Environmental
Duration: approx. 21 days (3 weeks)
Cadets will spend three weeks gaining hands-on experience working with a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Engineering Research and Development Center (ERDC) lab gaining hands-on experience solving real-world problems applicable to DoD. ERDC has seven different labs and we are working with ERDC leadership to develop projects appropriate for Cadets. Specific project availability is forthcoming, but there is opportunity for Cadets to express interest in working with a specific lab or researcher. Please contact COL Andrew Pfluger at x2930 or for more details. Of note, this AIAD will be run through SIRCC in conjunction with other academic departments.
IAD #17760
Title: United States Forest Service
Location: Various
Sponsoring Agency: United States Department of Agriculture
Sponsoring GEnE Program: Environmental
Duration: approx. 14 to 21 days (2 to 3 weeks)
The Forest Service, part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is a multi-faceted agency that protects and manages 154 national forests and grasslands in 44 states and Puerto Rico, and is the world’s largest forestry research organization. Forest Service experts provide technical and financial help to state and local government agencies, businesses, and private landowners to help protect and manage non-federal forest and associated range and watershed lands. The Forest Service develops partnerships with many public and private agencies to augment work planting trees, improving trails, providing education on conservation and fire prevention, and improving conditions in wildland/urban interfaces and rural areas. The Forest Service also promotes sustainable forest management and biodiversity conservation internationally. The mission of the Forest Service is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the Nation’s forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations. Prerequisites for this summer internship are to have a strong interest in the environment, and to enjoy the outdoors. The dates for this summer internship are flexible. For more information, contact Dr. Patrick Baker at x3540 or
IAD #17819
Title: Drone Imaging and Surveying on the Northern Alaskan Coast
Location: Point Hope, Alaska
Sponsoring Agency: Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP)
Sponsoring GEnE Program: Geospatial Information Science
Duration: approx. 2 weeks (1 week of field work)
USMA faculty and Cadets will travel to the remote village of Point Hope, Alaska, to investigate coastal erosion and permafrost degradation. Point Hope is the oldest continuously inhabited site on the North American continent with Iñupiat occupying the region for at least 2,500 years. The USMA team will be onsite in Point Hope for approx. 1-week conducing drone flights, terrain surveys, and interacting with the local indigenous community. A primary goal of this project is to provide guidance documents and tutorials to assist the Point Hope community with future citizen science initiatives focused on monitoring of their changing coastline. There will be an opportunity to present at a conference in Washington D.C. in November 2024 and numerous opportunities for follow-up work/projects during the academic year. For more information or to be considered for next year's AIAD please contact:
Dr. Matt O’Banion at
Point of Contact
Points of contact for each opportunity or experience are included in the respective advertisement.
- MAJ Alicia Dotson
- Department AIAD Coordinator
- 845-938-3136