Military Training
Cadets engage in life-changing military training opportunities at several points during their time at West Point, honing their ability to serve as leaders of character.
Military Training
Cadets engage in life-changing military training opportunities at several points during their time at West Point, honing their ability to serve as leaders of character.
Command Sergeant Major (left)
Summer Training
Cadet Summer Training (CST) is the culminating event for each step of the military aspect of a cadet’s experience while at the United States Military Academy (USMA) at West Point.
CST encapsulates the outcomes of USMA's military program. CST provides cadets with field-based training exercises to develop their military proficiency, tactical understanding, and critical thinking capabilities. Each cadet is given the opportunity to demonstrate character, commitment, and competence as they are graded on the core attributes of a military officer.
Cadets' military training is planned and overseen by dedicated professionals focused on developing leaders of character for the Army and the nation.

Cadet Basic Training (CBT)
Cadet Basic Training (CBT) is a demanding progression of sequenced training requirements and the foundation for all future instruction at USMA. It trains, instructs, inspires, and transitions new cadets from civilians to cadets and begins to teach the fundamental military competencies and values necessary to develop leaders of character strongly committed to military service.
Training Events:
- Introduction to Drill and Ceremony
- Holistic Health and Fitness
- Land Navigation
- Basic Rifle Marksmanship
- CBRN Training / CS Chamber
- Medical Readiness Course (TC3 / CLS)
- Mountaineering
- Hand Grenade Training
- Buddy Team Live Fire
- 5-Day Field Training Exercise

Cadet Field Training (CFT)
The mission of Cadet Field Training (CFT) is to develop, train, test, and validate the foundational military competencies to prepare third-class cadets to assume duties as non-commissioned officers (NCOs) in the Corps of Cadets. Cadets who complete CFT are proficient in foundational military skills, can live honorably in austere field conditions, and are physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially ready to reintegrate into the Corps of Cadets.

Cadet Leadership Development Training (CLDT)
Cadet Leader Development Training is the capstone event that trains and evaluates 2nd and 1st class cadets’ leadership potential through execution and assessment of core warrior skills in a tactical field program to develop their aptitude and fitness for future service as leaders of character within the Corps of Cadets and as commissioned officers in the U.S. Army.

Cadet Advanced Training (CAT)
Cadets have the potential opportunity to attend several advanced military training opportunities once their basic military training obligations are fulfilled. These opportunities can take the form of Cadet Troop Leader Training (CTLT), where cadets shadow a lieutenant in an active-duty Army unit for four weeks at an Army base in the continental U.S. or overseas, or a Military Individual Advanced Development (MIAD). MIADs generally last between two and four weeks and occur both in the U.S. and overseas with foreign military units. Training opportunities include Airborne, Air Assault, Combat Diver Qualification Course, Georgian/Chilean mountain school, and more.