West Point Cemetery
Logistics Directorate
The mission of the West Point Post Cemetery is to deliver the FINAL SALUTE to those members of the U.S. Corps of Cadets, its faculty, staff, and those West Point graduates who have dedicated their lives to the service of this nation. We strive to commemorate and memorialize these graduates and care for their final resting place in perpetuity. May it be said, “Well done; Be thou at peace.”
Cemetery grounds are open to visitors from sunrise to sunset seven days a week.
The Old Cadet Chapel Columbarium is open for visitation from 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. daily.
Jogging, picnicking, bicycling, dog walking, scattering of cremated remains, and vandalism of monuments are prohibited. If you notice any of these activities, please notify the USMA Military Police at (845) 938-3333 or this office at (845) 938-2504.
Please dispose of trash in designated receptacles. Please remember the cemetery is hallowed ground deserving of the utmost respect.
Grave locations are available at the information kiosks in the rear of the cemetery office, at the rear of the Old Cadet Chapel, and in the Old Cadet Chapel Columbarium.
Learn more about the cemetery and notable burials
Memorial Affairs Building
329 Washington Road
West Point, NY 10996
Phone: (845) 938-2504
Fax: (845) 938-5232
Email: memorialaffairs@westpoint.edu
Hou: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday (excluding federal holidays)