West Point Cadets Named Fulbright Scholars

By West Point Public Affairs

Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2023 Time: 21:52 EST RELEASE NO: 15-23

WEST POINT, N.Y. – The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs have selected class of 2023 Cadets Annesley Black and Edward Custy for the Fulbright Program. The Fulbright Program was established in 1946 and is the world’s largest and most diverse international educational exchange program, partnering with participating governments, host institutions, corporations, and foundations in foreign countries and in the United States. 

Cadet Annesley Black is an environmental engineering major from Cape Elizabeth, Maine. Her research is focused on enhancing the resiliency and sustainability of critical infrastructure such as water treatment facilities through research on assessing the resiliency of wastewater treatment facilities and a study to define energy balance terms in the energy-wastewater nexus. Black participated in an enrichment opportunity in Israel to engage in cultural immersion and learn about cutting-edge water technology in the region. At West Point, she served as a platoon leader for Cadet Basic Training in the summer of 2022 and is currently the captain of the crew and alpine ski teams. She hopes to delve further into sustainable and innovative solutions to utilize energy resources more effectively. Upon graduation, Black will commission as an Engineer Officer. She enjoys the outdoors, especially hiking, mountain biking, and skiing, and plans to continue pursuing her passion for the outdoors by earning a Master of Science in Sustainable Energy at Reykjavik University. 

“Being a recipient of the Fulbright scholarship means an unparalleled opportunity to learn from a global leader in energy sustainability and innovation. I hope to bring back key insights and technology to transition current U.S. infrastructure and the Army to more sustainable energy solutions. I am grateful for the opportunity to deepen my knowledge in the field and better integrate my passions and problem-solving skills.” 

Cadet Edward Custy is an economics major from Lone Tree, Colo. His inspiration to serve and attend West Point stems from a desire to learn among peers who share the same values of loyalty, selfless service, and humility that were instilled by his family. Formerly a chemistry major, Custy first pursued research on countermeasures to neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and PTSD. Recognizing a global lack of research into the distribution of promising, cutting-edge treatment, he shifted his focus to understanding the economics of drug development and commercialization. Custy will continue this multi-disciplinary research to facilitate efficient, equitable distribution of treatments for both neurodegenerative disorders and orphan diseases to the world’s most vulnerable populations. As a cadet, Custy was involved with the Peace & Dialogue Leadership Initiative, served as captain of the Alpine Ski Team, conducted open-source military research for Special Operations Command, and led 144 New Cadets through Cadet Basic Training, where he was recognized as the best Cadet Company Commander. He serves as the Cadet Company Commander for his academic year company, C-3. Outside of school, Custy can be found golfing, fishing, or exploring the mountains. Upon graduation, he will be commissioned into the Army as an Engineer Officer and pursue a Master of Science in Health Analysis, Policy, and Management at the University of Strathclyde in Scotland. 

“I am honored to be awarded the Fulbright Scholarship and grateful for the opportunity to represent the Army and the United States in the United Kingdom.” 

The Fulbright Program was established in 1946 to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. While the primary source of funding for the Fulbright Program is an annual appropriation made by the U.S. Congress to the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, it benefits from additional support from foreign partner governments, non-governmental organizations, private organizations, corporate partnerships, and individual donors. Importantly, U.S. and foreign host institutions provide support as well.  

Fulbright alumni work to make a positive impact on their communities, sectors, and the world and have included 41 heads of state or government, 62 Nobel Laureates, 89 Pulitzer Prize winners, 78 MacArthur Fellows, and countless leaders and changemakers who carry forward the Fulbright mission of enhancing mutual understanding.   

For more information about the Fulbright Program, visit https://fulbrightprogram.org/

 About West Point   

The U.S. Military Academy at West Point is a four-year, co-educational, federal, liberal arts college located 50 miles north of New York City. It was founded in 1802 as America’s first college of engineering and continues today as the world’s premier leader-development institution, consistently ranked among top colleges in the country. Its mission remains constant—to educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the nation as an officer in the U. S. Army. For more information, go to www.westpoint.edu.   


