Policies and Procedures for Complaints

Policies and Procedures for Complaints

Administrative Grievance System (AGS)

The United States Military Academy (USMA) is committed to fostering character in a climate of academic freedom, respect, and integrity.  The USMA Administrative Grievance System (AGS) implements the Department of Defense (DOD) AGS by creating an internal system for resolving stakeholder grievances over certain matters within the USMA.  It establishes policy, delegate authority, and assign responsibilities for USMA leadership (Chain of Command). 

All employees can go to the Office of Special Council to initiated whistle blower or prohibited personnel practice (PPP) complaint.  The POC's to get information about filing grievances in addition to the information provided below:  For civilian: CPAC at 845-938-3946, military consult their chain of command.

Complaint TypeCivilianMilitaryCadetsRemarks
General IssuesUSMA AGS Policy - 2013 All full-time, part-time, and temporary civilian employees (including intermittent and time-limited) in both the competitive and expected service employed by USMA and serviced activities, who are paid from appropriated funds.

(NAF) employees can file grievances IAW AR 215-3 2. 
Open Door - 2022
All members of Command (USMA).
Article 48 (AFGE Grievance Procedure)  American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) - Civilians except: all supervisors, professional employees, employees engaged in Federal professional work other than a purely clerical capacity, management officials, guards, firefighters, and employees engaged in administering the labor relations program. Supplemental Guidance - 2015.
Open Door
All members of USCC Directorate.
Article 7 (IAFF Procedure)  International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) - Firefighters only.
Open Door - 2023
Pertains to military personnel assigned to HHC.

Accrediting Agency - Middle States Commission on Higher Education

Department of Army Headquarters

For complaints or concerns regarding the institution and/or its operation.
SHARPResponse and Prevention - 2023 

Whistleblower Reprisal or Prohibited Personnel Practices

Inspector General

General assistance

Inspector General resource information 

Links to the Inspector General Assistance page.  All groups should visit local Inspector General (IG) office or visit website that is linked
 AF Civilian  Appropriated Funded Civilian 
 NAF Civilian  Non-Appropriated Funded Civilian
 Contractor  Or consult with contracting agency
  Soldiers or Cadets 
Grade Appeals  All cadet grade appeals must be submitted to the respective department immediately (within two weeks) following the receipt of the final grade for the course.  In situations involving emergency or medical leave and other similar extenuating circumstances, the grade appeal will be submitted no later than the end of the following full term.  Appeals begin with the course instructor and follow chain of command up through the Dean until resolved.
Work SafetyWorking Conditions Report ProcedureProcedures to file a report of "unsafe or unhealthy" working conditions.
Financial InformationDefense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)Information on pay rates and other pay information.
Dept. of Defense Financial Management Regulation (DoD FMR)Regulation information regarding Defense Financial Management.
Allowance InformationAllowance Information for items such as housing or per diem expenses.