Environmental Science Major

Environmental Science Major

Environmental Science


Environmental science is a multi-disciplinary, integrative, science-based study of how humans affect the planet with the goal of creating a sustainable future for all.

Offered by the Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering.

Environmental Science is a multi-disciplinary, integrative, science-based study of how humans affect the planet with the goal of creating a sustainable future for all. Environmental scientists explore, discover, describe, and investigate the Earth. Environmental science goes beyond the traditional natural sciences to also incorporate knowledge from political science, ethics, public health, and economics. This major is flexible, relevant, and includes a premed option for those interested in medical school. This major prepares cadets for future careers in the Army, the sciences, public policy, law, medicine, business, and much more. Majors may earn the 3Y skill identifier.

Environmental science majors have a lab requirement component.

This major offers an honors track.

Notable Points about an EV Science Major:

  • This major is flexible, relevant, and includes a Pre-Med option for those interested in medical school.
  • Courses in this major take you outside the classroom to experience what we teach about the outdoors, governance, and industry.
  • This major challenges you to sustainably support and defend the Constitution, which aims to “promote the General Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to Ourselves and our Posterity…” 
  • This major prepares you for future careers in the Army, the sciences, public policy, law, medicine, business, and much more.
  • We have an honors program for cadets with high GPAs who want to do their own research.
  • You may earn the 3Y skill identifier.

Student Outcomes

  1. Enhance curiosity about natural processes and one’s ability to study such processes as a scientist. 
  2. Deepen knowledge of human influences on the environment and foster evaluation of our individual and collective responsibilities as environmental stewards.
  3. Develop one’s ability to evaluate the connections between the environment and individual, national, and global security.
  4. Improve one’s facility with the tools of environmental science by developing proficiency in collecting and analyzing lab and field data, deducing patterns, and formulating the next step in an on-going study.
  5. Provide a solid foundation in earth, air, water and life sciences and their interconnections.

Watch "A Day in the Life of the Hudson River"

To learn more about this area of study, visit the Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering.

Complete the Environmental Engineering three course engineering sequence.

Cadets must complete CH102 Chemistry II as the Science Depth course for this major.

Cyber course (Choose 1)

  • CY305  Cyber Foundations
  • CY355  Cyber Foundations - Computing

Foundations Courses (Complete all 3) 

  • EV310  Aquatic Science
  • EV388a Physical Geology
  • EV471  Ecology

Atmosphere Course (Choose 1)

  • EV387  Meteorology
  • EV389b Climatology

Tools Elective (Choose 1)

  • EV377  Remote Sensing
  • EV398  Geographic Information Systems
  • CH387 Human Physiology

Depth Elective (Choose 2)

  • EV391a Land Use Planning and Management
  • EV391b Natural Hazards and Risk
  • EV396  Environmental Biological Systems
  • EV398  Geographic Information Systems
  • CH383  Organic Chemistry I
  • CH384  Organic Chemistry II
  • XS391  Principles and Applications of Environmental Chemistry

Field Elective (Choose 2)

  • CH383  Organic Chemistry I
  • CH384  Organic Chemistry II
  • CH385  Introduction to Cell Biology
  • CH387  Human Physiology
  • CH388  Genetics
  • CH457  Microbiology
  • CH460  Human Anatomy
  • CH473  Biochemistry
  • CH481  Physical Chemistry I
  • DS350  Persuasive Communications
  • EM381  Engineering Economy
  • EV371  Geography of Russia
  • EV372  Geography of Asia
  • EV373  Geography of Latin America
  • EV375  Geography of Africa
  • EV376  Geography of the Middle East
  • EV377  Remote Sensing
  • EV378  Cartography
  • EV380  Surveying
  • EV384  Geography of North America
  • EV386  Geography of Europe
  • EV387  Meteorology
  • EV388b Geomorphology
  • EV390b Urban Geography
  • EV391a Land Use Planning and Management
  • EV391b Natural Hazards and Risk
  • EV394  Hydrology/Hydraulic Systems
  • EV396  Environmental Biological Systems
  • EV397  Air Pollution Engineering
  • EV398  Geographic Information Systems
  • EV482  Military Geography
  • EV489a Advanced Individual Study I
  • LW473  Environmental Law
  • LW481  International Law
  • MA363  Vector Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations
  • MA366  Applied Engineering Math
  • MA376  Applied Statistics
  • MA391  Mathematical Modeling
  • MA396  Numerical Methods for the Solution of Differntial Equations
  • MA476  Mathematical Statistics
  • PL396  Science Network Analysis for Public Policy
  • PY386  Philosophy of Science
  • SS381  Cultural/Political Anthropology
  • SS387  Public Finance
  • SS485  Politics and Development of Sub-Saharan Africa
  • XS391 Principles and Applications of Environmental Chemistry

Complementary Support Courses

Complete the following Geography course:

  • EV365  Geography of Global Cultures

Complete one of the following Biology courses:

  • CH275 Biology
  • CH375 Advanced Biology

Complete one of the following Math/Science courses:

  • CH457  Microbiology
  • CH473  Biochemistry
  • MA205  Calculus II
  • MA376  Applied Statistics
  • PH206  Physics II
  • PH256  Advanced Physics II

Integrative Experience Course

  • EV487  Environmental Security

To learn more, view the full Environmental Science Major Curriculum.

Majors have excellent opportunities to gain real-world experience with what they learn in the classroom through a robust summer Academic Individual Advanced Development (AIAD) program, USMA-run academic enrichment experience.

Honor Societies:
Golden Key - International Honour Society
Phi Kappa Phi - Oldest and Largest Collegiate Honor Society

To learn more about enrichment in this area of study, visit the Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering or the West Point Center for Environmental and Geographic Sciences, where majors can also conduct research with and learn from experts.