Class Of 2026 To Enter West Point

By West Point Public Affairs

Date: Wednesday, Jun 22, 2022 Time: 13:34 EST RELEASE NO: 13-22

WEST POINT, N.Y. – More than 1,200 U.S. citizens and 16 international students, including 261 women, 473 minorities and 11 combat veterans will report to West Point June 27, Reception Day, to join the West Point Class of 2026.  

The incoming class was selected from a pool of nearly 12,600 applicants. Minority enrollment, roughly 38 percent, includes 144 African Americans, 143 Hispanic Americans, 163 Asian Americans, and 23 Native Americans.  

“The Class of 2026’s overall performance in academics, leadership, athletics and in the Army has been remarkable and provides the foundation for successful completion of the challenging West Point experience and for service to our nation as a commissioned leader of character,” said Col. Deborah McDonald, director of admissions.    

“These good citizens are coming here to dedicate themselves to Duty, Honor, Country, and they represent our nation’s promise of the future,” McDonald continued.  

The Class of 2026 includes cadets from every state in the nation and 16 international cadets entering the class under the sponsorship of their respective countries. The countries represented include Botswana, Indonesia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, North Macedonia, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand (2), and Tunisia. Upon graduation, these cadets will return to their respective countries as officers in their armed forces.  

During Reception Day, the new cadets begin the process of becoming West Point cadets and future U.S. Army officers. They undergo administrative processing, are fitted with their initial issue of military clothing, receive haircuts, medical and physical evaluations, and begin their first lessons in marching, military courtesy and discipline. As their first day ends, the Class of 2026 will stand before many of their parents and friends on the Plain to take the Oath of Allegiance from the U.S. Military Academy Commandant of Cadets, Brig. Gen. Mark Quander.  

New cadets will complete six weeks of Cadet Basic Training, learning the basic skills of the Soldier. They will participate in rigorous physical training, small-unit tactical training, and rifle marksmanship, as well as learning to respond quickly and accurately to their commanders under conditions of mental and physical stress. At the end of this initial training period, new cadets will be formally accepted into the Corps of Cadets. The Acceptance Day Parade for the Class of 2026 is scheduled for 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 13.  

To view the Reception Day live-stream, please visit: 

About West Point 

The U. S. Military Academy at West Point is a four-year, co-educational, federal, liberal arts college located 50 miles north of New York City.  It was founded in 1802 as America's first college of engineering and continues today as the world's premier leader-development institution, consistently ranked among top colleges in the country.  Its mission remains constant-to educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the nation as an officer in the U. S. Army.  For more information, go to


