Digital History Center
Digital History Center

About the Center
The United States Military Academy at West Point Department of History is a world leader in the field of digital history. This encompasses both a methodological approach to asking and answering questions about the human past that would have been impossible or impractical to tackle without the aid of computers, and the use of digital tools for communicating historical sources and analysis in better ways than traditional media allow. The Digital History Center (DHC) encourages, coordinates, and supports the efforts of our faculty and cadets in the creation of digital history products, and works to sustain and continuously improve the digital textbooks and other resources used to enhance the learning of cadets in the courses we teach. The DHC also serves the wider historical community by making available digital resources that support learning about, teaching, or connecting with history, including digital versions of our widely used maps.
Center Leadership

Dr. Clifford Rogers
Professor and Director of the Digital History Center
Prof Clifford Rogers graduated magna cum laude from Rice University, where he triple-majored in economics, history, and policy studies, before earning his MA and Ph.D. in military history from The Ohio State University. He was a Fulbright fellow in the U.K. and an Olin fellow at Yale prior to joining the USMA faculty in 1995. After a year away from the Academy as a Leverhulme Visiting Professor at the University of Wales, Swansea, he was promoted to Professor of History in 2006. Professor Rogers was a co-founder (in 2002) and remains a co-editor of The Journal of Medieval Military History, and is also the co-Senior Editor of the digital, interactive West Point History of Warfare.

COL Seanegan Sculley
Professor and Director of the Digital History Center
COL Seanegan Sculley enlisted in the US Army in January 1995 as an airborne infantryman and served in Vicenza, IT until attending Officer Candidate School in the summer of 1999. He was commissioned as an Armor officer and became a tank platoon leader in 1-12 Cavalry at Fort Hood, TX before completing his BA in History at Texas State University in December 2002. From 2007-2012, he served as both an instructor and assistant professor of History at the United States Military Academy during which time he deployed to Mosul, Iraq from 2009-2010. He earned his PhD in History from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in May 2015 and he currently serves as an Academy Professor in the Department of History at West Point.
Digital History Center Projects
The projects undertaken or supported by the DHC generally fall into three broad categories:
- Cadet research utilizing digital history methodologies and involving faculty mentorship:
- Research projects by faculty members using digital history methods, often involving the integration of cadets as undergraduate researchers:
- History projects that are more about using digital media to present history in interactive ways than to answer historical questions.
The following organizations have partnered with the Digital History Center by providing invaluable knowledge, talent, and material.

The Center for Oral History
The mission of the West Point Center for Oral History (COH) is to record, preserve, and present the stories of soldiers, statesmen, and others who have influenced the profession of arms, in order to inspire, educate, and develop cadets, enhance the public’s understanding of the experience of the soldier, and create new primary source material for scholars.

Material Culture Studies
Material Culture Studies serves as a conduit between the West Point Museum and the Department of History, and seeks to leverage its unparalleled collection to enhance historical perspectives for both cadets and faculty alike. With access to the Museum’s rare and plentiful artifacts, material culture enables our instructors to take history out of the books and place it directly into the hands of cadets in the classroom.

United States Military Academy Band
The extremely skilled and talented members of the West Point Band have worked with the Digital History Center to record historical songs and instrumental music that has been incorporated into The West Point History of Warfare. We are working to add to the repertoire and present the music, along with supporting historical texts, in other formats, as well.

Black History Project at West Point
The Black History Project (BHP) at West Point is proud to partner with the Digital History Center. The main effort of the BHP is to educate and research, principally about the black experience at West Point and in the armed forces more broadly. The Digital History Center provides an exciting and effective new medium for cadet and faculty research alike for use in several Department of History core and elective courses.

The West Point Museum
The West Point Museum has an extraordinary collection of artifacts and artworks. Collaboration with the Museum has enabled the Digital History Center to create widgets that match textual descriptions of the equipment of soldiers of various eras with photographs of their equipment and uniforms. The Museum has also provided high-quality images of original artwork, including pieces drawn or painted by soldiers, that have been included in The West Point History of Warfare.

The Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
The CHGS operates as an inter-service hub, linking all branches of the Armed Forces with academic institutions, government agencies, and non-governmental entities world-wide, empowering current and future leaders to think deeply about the causes, contexts, and consequences of genocide while instilling a profound sense of history, ethics, and responsibility.

Publications and Resources
Contact Us
UPS/ FEDEX Mailing address:
United States Military Academy
646 Swift Road
Thayer Hall, D/History, Rm 151
West Point, NY 10996
Collaborate With Us
The Office of Research helps coordinate West Point’s research efforts with external entities. Those interested in conducting research with West Point can email the Associate Dean for Research.