Digital History Center

Digital History Center

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About the Center

The United States Military Academy at West Point Department of History is a world leader in the field of digital history. This encompasses both a methodological approach to asking and answering questions about the human past that would have been impossible or impractical to tackle without the aid of computers, and the use of digital tools for communicating historical sources and analysis in better ways than traditional media allow. The Digital History Center (DHC) encourages, coordinates, and supports the efforts of our faculty and cadets in the creation of digital history products, and works to sustain and continuously improve the digital textbooks and other resources used to enhance the learning of cadets in the courses we teach. The DHC also serves the wider historical community by making available digital resources that support learning about, teaching, or connecting with history, including digital versions of our widely used maps.

Center Leadership

Digital History Center Projects

The projects undertaken or supported by the DHC generally fall into three broad categories:

  • Cadet research utilizing digital history methodologies and involving faculty mentorship:
  • Research projects by faculty members using digital history methods, often involving the integration of cadets as undergraduate researchers:
  • History projects that are more about using digital media to present history in interactive ways than to answer historical questions.

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The following organizations have partnered with the Digital History Center by providing invaluable knowledge, talent, and material.

Usma Crest
Trendy Pants and Shoes
Usma Crest

Publications and Resources

Contact Us

UPS/ FEDEX Mailing address:
United States Military Academy
646 Swift Road
Thayer Hall, D/History, Rm 151
West Point, NY 10996

Collaborate With Us

The Office of Research helps coordinate West Point’s research efforts with external entities. Those interested in conducting research with West Point can email the Associate Dean for Research.