Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Prospective Faculty
Applying for positions at EECS
We understand that finding the very best professionals to fill our faculty and staff positions is the most important thing we do.
Our commitment to diversity: The Army is an incredibly diverse organization in gender, ethnicity, socio-economic background, education, and many other areas. Army missions daily engage hundreds of nationalities and cultures around the globe. For these reasons, we search out faculty and staff members who are best qualified to sustain an organization that develops cadets to lead in this Army environment, where understanding and valuing all kinds of diversity are mission essential.
Military Faculty
If you are an active duty Lieutenant or Captain with a strong interest in teaching cadets and in graduate study in any of the Department's academic disciplines, then we are interested in you. If selected, you will attend a top graduate school of your choice for two years to earn a Masters degree, then serve a three-year tour as a faculty member at West Point before returning to the field Army. If you have already started a packet, click here to log in.
We request officers by name from Human Relations Command (HRC) each year after conducting our own internal selection board. The board looks at:
- Academics. An excellent undergraduate record sufficient to earn acceptance at a high quality graduate school in a Masters Degree program in one of the department's disciplines. The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is required.
- Military record. Outstanding demonstrated performance or potential to perform in a Key Development Assignment (Command or equivalent) at the rank of Captain.
- Availability. Whether selection in a given year would fit with your assignment and career development profile.
- Other factors. Anything in your background that indicates the desire, aptitude, and ability to make a special contribution to the development of cadets as leaders of a technologically complex and transforming Army. These factors should be highlighted in your personal statement.
If you already have a Masters degree in one of the Department's disciplines and are a Major with good prospects for Lieutenant Colonel promotion, you may qualify for Ph.D. studies. The selection criteria are the same as above; plus, there must be clear potential to complete a Ph.D. in three years of study.
If you are an active duty officer and already have a Masters degree or Ph.D. related to one of the department's disciplines, then you are eligible to fill one of our positions directly from a field assignment. The selection criteria are as above, except that we will evaluate your graduate rather than undergraduate record.
In any case, our best advice is to START EARLY. To initiate your application and begin the process of joining out team, use the link for TEACH ( If you have already started a packet, click here to log in. For more information, see our FAQ.
Civilian Faculty
See our current advertisements!
Our civilian faculty members provide an essential element of faculty excellence and diversity. They exemplify dedicated civilian service to the Nation and the exceptionally high professional and personal standards of the community of educators and scholars.
Approximately one-fourth of the USMA faculty is composed of civilian professional educators serving the Army under the provisions of Title 10 U.S. Code. Our positions are not tenured; rather they are based on a system of renewable contracts. Salaries are highly competitive with other top four-year undergraduate institutions. Civilian faculty openings in EECS are advertised in professional publications such as IEEE Spectrum, - Communications of the ACM, and The Chronicle of Higher Education. They also appear in the U.S. Government Office of Personnel Management job application website USAJOBS. Though vacancies are rare, inquiries are always welcome. Contact the Department Deputy Head. Unsolicited applications will remain on file for a period of one year and will be considered should any applicable vacancies arise during that period.
Our staff members are world class professionals in their fields, which include administration, electronics design and fabrication, computer and network services, help desk, supply and logistics, and other support areas. They are career professional Government Service employees serving under the provisions of Title 5 U.S. Code in grades GS-5 through GS-13. Vacancy announcements appear in the U.S. Government Office of Personnel Management (OPM) job application website USAJOBS. Though openings are rare, inquiries are always welcome. Contact the Department Deputy Head. Applicants must comply with OPM procedures; the Department cannot accept applications directly