Brigade Tactical Department

The Brigade Tactical Department (BTD) is directly responsible for the day-to-day command and discipline of the Corps of Cadets.

Brigade Tactical Department

The Brigade Tactical Department (BTD) is directly responsible for the day-to-day command and discipline of the Corps of Cadets.

The mission of the Brigade Tactical Department is to educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character who lives honorably, leads honorably, and demonstrates excellence.  Cadets will be committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army.

The members of the BTD accomplish this mission in diverse ways. The Tactical Officers (TACs) and Tactical Non-Commissioned Officers (TAC NCOs) are the primary leader developers/integrators of the Academy's developmental programs. They oversee each cadet's individual development in the academic, military, physical, and moral-ethical dimensions within the framework of the Cadet Company. The TAC Teams train, lead, coach, and mentor cadets, with a continual focus on leader development. The TAC is the legal commander of the cadet company and, therefore, is responsible for the establishment and maintenance of a command climate that fosters individual and unit excellence in all program areas.

Tactical Officer

A Tactical Officer (TAC) is the legal Company Commander of a Cadet Company and the primary integrator at the United States Military Academy.   

They assess the potential and oversee the holistic development of cadets as required by the physical, military, academic, and moral-ethical programs. Tactical Officers teach, coach, and mentor the cadet chain of command by empowering them to take ownership and responsibility for their Cadet Company. They leverage their experiences as a commissioned officer, with an average of 9-12 years of service, to invest back into the cadets.   

TACs are deeply embedded into a cadet's everyday life. They work within their living areas and assist with the everyday tasks of cadet life to include accountability, adjudication procedures, and training performance. Because TACs are deeply embedded into the everyday life of a cadet, they are the first line of defense and embodiment of what is to come with the Army life and life in general.   

It is likely wherever there is a cadet, a TAC will be nearby.

Tactical Non-Commissioned Officer

The Tactical Non-Commissioned Officer (TAC NCO) is the primary partner for the Tactical Officer (TAC). They serve in the capacity of a First Sergeant for a Cadet company, with an average of 10-15 years of service.   

The TAC NCO is also the primary developer responsible for teaching, coaching, and mentoring cadets. In the Army, an NCO serves as the backbone of the enlisted ranks and play a crucial role in ensuring the operational readiness and effectiveness of military units. They are the first-line leader entrusted to discipline and train the force.   

At USMA, TAC NCOs are vital because they provide a unique perspective, that influences all cadet ranks as they progress throughout their four years. TAC NCOs will also model a professional relationship between the officer and NCO to prepare cadets for life after USMA. TAC NCOs have a substantial duty to represent the voice of the enlisted soldiers so that cadets are prepared to lead as a commissioned officer.    

Prospective Staff & Faculty

Learn more about the Brigade Tactical Department's career opportunities

Eisenhower Leader Development Program

For more information regarding the Eisenhower Leader Development program, please contact our Tactical Officer Recruiting and Selection Liaison.