Academic Building Upgrade Program

Academic Building Upgrade Program

The keystone for our overarching modernization effort is the Academic Building Upgrade Program (ABUP), a holistic 15-17 year program that involves the complete renovation of seven antiquated facilities and a portion of an eighth, some more than a century old, which are critical to delivering academic, military, and character development programs. 

These facilities range in age from 50-110 years old and were inflexibly designed and built decades ago to support bygone approaches to education and leader development.  Consequently, they are not capable of enabling 21st century approaches to teaching, learning, collaboration, innovation, and research.

These upgrades will also allow USMA to realize new and innovative ways to deliver our programs and facilitate intellectual development on levels that are commensurate with, or ahead of, peer institutions with whom we compete for high demand talent.  This includes a reorganization of our academic disciplines and other programmatic enablers to facilitate more effective interdisciplinary collaboration and integration, as well as a more coherent consolidation of our military, leader, and character development capabilities. Click here to view the academic building upgrade program project timeline.

For More Information

Contact the USMA 2035 Team