Academic Building Upgrade Program
Academic Building Upgrade Program
The keystone for our overarching modernization effort is the Academic Building Upgrade Program (ABUP), a holistic 15-17 year program that involves the complete renovation of seven antiquated facilities and a portion of an eighth, some more than a century old, which are critical to delivering academic, military, and character development programs.
These facilities range in age from 50-110 years old and were inflexibly designed and built decades ago to support bygone approaches to education and leader development. Consequently, they are not capable of enabling 21st century approaches to teaching, learning, collaboration, innovation, and research.
These upgrades will also allow USMA to realize new and innovative ways to deliver our programs and facilitate intellectual development on levels that are commensurate with, or ahead of, peer institutions with whom we compete for high demand talent. This includes a reorganization of our academic disciplines and other programmatic enablers to facilitate more effective interdisciplinary collaboration and integration, as well as a more coherent consolidation of our military, leader, and character development capabilities. Click here to view the academic building upgrade program project timeline.

Patton Swing Facility
The Patton Swing Facility will be a temporary capability that will provide approximately 20,000 square feet of administrative and collaborative academic space. We will use this facility in conjunction with Mahan Hall to provide critical swing capability as various departments move to facilitate renovations during the 17-year ABUP.

Cullum Hall
Built in 1896 and dedicated in June 1900, Cullum Hall was originally designed to memorialize the service and ultimate sacrifice of West Point graduates who died in war. It currently houses the Cadet Hostess and Cadet Clubs. While the first and second floors will remain largely as is, the lower two basement levels, which currently house various Cadet Clubs, will be completely renovated to serve as the new home for the USMA Archives.

Lincoln Hall
Built in 1910 as Bachelor Officer Quarters, Lincoln Hall currently houses the Department of English and Philosophy, the Department of Social Sciences, the Combatting Terrorism Center and the Office for Economic and Manpower Analysis. It will be renovated and repurposed to house the Directorate for Admissions, the USMA Staff Judge Advocate, Audio, Visual and Media support and the Cadet Store.

Building 606/Math & Systems Engineering Center
Built in 1923 as the West Point Hospital, Building 606 currently houses several disparate functions, including USMA Admissions, USMA Staff Judge Advocate, USMA Chief Information Officer, the Cadet Store, and several medical functions including the Cadet Health Clinic, the installation Dental Clinic, and the installation Public Health Office. As part of the ABUP, Building 606 will be renovated to become the new Math and Systems Engineering Center (MSEC), which will serve as the new home for the Departments of Mathematical Sciences and Systems Engineering and feature classrooms and collaborative spaces. Plans for the MSEC also call for a proposed gift-funded pedestrian bridge connecting the MSEC to the future Cyber and Engineering Academic Center

Bartlett Hall (Archives Area)
Bartlett Hall, originally constructed in 1913, underwent a major renovation in the 2010s as a science center, housing the Departments of Physics & Nuclear Engineering (PaNE), and Chemistry & Life Sciences (CLS), as well as the USMA Archives, which are the last remnant of the Cadet Library which resided in Bartlett prior to the construction of Jefferson Hall. Following the Archives relocation to Cullum Hall, the Archives area on the fourth floor will become the new home for the Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering.

Thayer Hall
Built in 1909 as a riding hall where cadets were taught horsemanship, Thayer Hall was converted to an academic building in 1958. This massive facility currently houses the Departments of History, Mathematical Sciences, Behavioral Sciences & Leadership (BS&L) and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, as well as the Academy’s Audio, Visual and Media Support division. Beyond this, it is a mainstay for nearly every other department’s teaching needs, including the Academy’s Character Education and Military Science programs. Following its renovation, which will include the addition of two floors, Thayer Hall will become the “hub” for USMA’s humanities disciplines (History, BS&L, Social Sciences, Law, Foreign Languages, and English & Philosophy).

Mahan Hall
USMA’s newest academic building, built in 1971, Mahan Hall currently houses the Departments of Systems Engineering and Civil & Mechanical Engineering (CME). Following renovations, Mahan Hall will serve as home for CME and the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS).

Washington Hall
Built in 1925, Washington Hall houses the Cadet Mess Hall, the Commandant of Cadets and the U.S. Corps of Cadets’ staff and military instruction programs, as well as Foreign Languages and Geography & Environmental Engineering (GEnE) academic departments. Following upgrades, Foreign Languages and GEnE will relocate to Thayer and Bartlett Halls, respectively, and Washington Hall will become a true hub for cadet services, military instruction, and leader development.

Taylor Hall
Built in 1909, Taylor Hall serves as the headquarters building for the Superintendent, the Dean of the Academic Board and their respective staffs. It will continue to do so post-renovation.