The West Point Leadership Center operates within the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership and aims to advance and nurture responsible leadership development within West Point, the Army, government entities, educational institutions, and corporations.
Through speaker series, conferences, inter-collegiate exchanges, and curriculum development the center’s impact will be experienced by cadets and leaders around the world.
LTC Andrea Kaman is originally from Wakonda, SD. She commissioned as a Distinguished Military Graduate from the University of Wyoming into the United States Army in 2007. She completed the Adjutant General Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC) at Fort Jackson, SC, in 2008.
She has held numerous leadership and staff positions, including Deputy Brigade S1 and Task Force XII Strength Manager, 12th Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB), Ansbach, Germany; Battalion Human Resource Officer (S1), 412th Aviation Support Battalion, Ansbach, Germany; Company Commander, Charlie Company, 369th Adjutant General Battalion, Fort Jackson; BOLC Instructor, Soldier Support Institute, Fort Jackson. Post instructing, LTC Kaman served as the Congressional Defense Fellow in the office of Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (OH-9), where she worked primarily on Defense, Veterans Affairs, and Homeland Security funding and policy issues, followed by an assignment as a Legislative Liaison for the Army in the US House of Representatives.
Following the fellowship, LTC Kaman served as the Human Resources Officer in Charge (S1 OIC) for the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, CO. LTC Kaman served a combat tour in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
The West Point Leadership Center operates primarily through donations of time, talent, and financial resources.
WPLC also develops and executes numerous academic/work internships across the globe. If you are interested in supporting or hosting an internship for cadets, please contact us.