U.S. Military Academy Preparatory School

The U.S. Military Academy Preparatory School (USMAPS) provides focused academic, military, and physical instruction in a moral-ethical environment to prepare, motivate, and inspire cadet candidates in order to qualify for admission to USMA.

U.S. Military Academy Preparatory School

The U.S. Military Academy Preparatory School (USMAPS) provides focused academic, military, and physical instruction in a moral-ethical environment to prepare, motivate, and inspire cadet candidates in order to qualify for admission to USMA.

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Welcome to USMAPS

The U.S. Military Academy Preparatory School - known as USMAPS, the Prep School, or West Point Prep - was formally established in 1946, but the history of "prepping" Soldiers for West Point has been done since Congress enacted legislation in 1916 authorizing Soldier appointments to West Point. The school exists today as an avenue of opportunity for a carefully selected group of Soldiers and civilians by providing them with the academic, leadership, and physical skills that will prepare them for success as cadets at the U.S. Military Academy.

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Usma Crest

USMAPS Academics

The USMAPS Academic Department challenges students to meet and exceed West Point’s rigorous admissions standards.

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USMAPS Military Preparation

USMAPS develops the foundational professional and physical attributes needed to excel at West Point and for growth as an officer in the U.S. Army.

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Usma Crest
Trendy Pants and Shoes
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USMAPS Athletics

The USMAPS Department of Physical Education and Athletics provides cadet candidates with a world-class physical developmental program, led by top-tier staff and faculty focused on developing leaders of character.

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Cadet Candidate Life

The purpose of USMAPS is to prepare candidates selected by the United States Military Academy Admission’s office for the academic, physical, and military challenges of the United States Military Academy at West Point. Selected students (cadet candidates) are high school graduates or enlisted personnel from the Active, Reserve or National Guard force.

USMAPS prepares cadet candidates with a foundation that will last them beyond admission to the Academy and well into the future as leaders of character for the Nation. 

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