Simon Center for the Professional Military Ethic Staff and Faculty

Class 1966 Chair for the Professional Military Ethic

GEN(R) David G. Perkins

Class of 1966 Chair for the Professional Military Ethic

COL Travis Tilman

COL Travis Tilman

Academy Professor & Deputy Director, SCPME

Staff And Faculty
Dr. Marc Boberg

Dr. Marc "Dewey" Boberg

Class of 1969 Chair for Officership

MAJ Gretchen Butt

MAJ Gretchen Butt

Executive Officer/MX400 Instructor

MAJ Cole Cannon

MAJ Norman "Cole" Cannon

MX400 Instructor, MX400 Assistant Course Director

Dr. Elise Dykhuis

Dr. Elise Murray Dykhuis

Assistant Professor and Character Scientist

Dr. Ryan Erbe

Dr. Ryan Erbe

Character Development

CPT Gerardi

MAJ Brian Gerardi

MX400 Instructor, Assistant Professor

James Giordano

Dr. James Giordano

Non-Resident Fellow

MAJ Kristen Griest

MAJ Kristen Griest

Special Assistant to the Commandant for Honor (SAH)

Yasmine Kalkstein

Dr. Yasmine L. Kalkstein

Professor of Psychology, Faculty and Character Development

LTC Ian Kent

LTC Ian Kent

Cadet Character Education Officer

Dr. Peter Meindl

Dr. Peter Meindl

Chair for Honor and Character Assessment

Todd Schmidt

COL Todd A. Schmidt

Non-Resident Fellow

Dr. Orin Strauchler

Dr. Orin Strauchler

Lead Character and Prevention Integrator; Assistant Professor