Opportunities for Commissioned Officers
Officers can serve at West Point in either rotating or permanent positions. Rotating positions are normally for more junior officers and can take several forms while permanent positions require switching to Functional Area 47 or being selected as a PUSMA.
Opportunities for Commissioned Officers
Officers can serve at West Point in either rotating or permanent positions. Rotating positions are normally for more junior officers and can take several forms while permanent positions require switching to Functional Area 47 or being selected as a PUSMA.
Innovation (left)

Why West Point
Officers do NOT have to have graduated from West Point to join the team as rotating staff or faculty members. USMA offers opportunities to advance your career that you won't find anywhere else in the Army:
- The opportunity to pursue an advanced degree from a top tier institution – without using your GI bill benefits.
- The opportunity to work with and learn from civilian counterparts in graduate school for two years, developing skills your peers do not often develop until much later in their careers.
- Numerous opportunities to mentor and be mentored.
- The opportunity to interact with Army senior leaders.
- The opportunity to work with top-tier military and civilian staff and faculty.
- Opportunities for travel with cadets on internships, research trips, and in support of sporting events or extracurricular clubs.
- The opportunity to develop a network that will pay dividends both as you continue to serve and long afterward.
Facts about Former Faculty

Former Faculty on Their Experience at West Point
Working at West Point is a career-enhancing assignment, with numerous rotating faculty going on to become commanders at the battalion and brigade levels. Several recent and current general officers have also served as faculty at West Point.

COL Sebastien Joly
EN Commander
US Army Engineering and Support Center (USACE)
I wouldn't trade the experience and opportunities I had as a faculty member for any other Army assignment.

COL Eugenia Guilmartin
MP, Office of Asst. Sec. of the Army
Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Pentagon
The USMA experience was invaluable for meeting a broad selection of highly competent peers across different branches, who proved to be valuable allies post-USMA (to include in combat). The opportunity to mentor cadets who branched into other fields also gave me a wide network of young leaders who I also tapped into -- in combat and in garrison. Finally, USMA senior mentors continue to care and invest in me (and those I served at USMA with) – more so than many senior leaders from my own career field.

COL Beth A. Behn
LG, Chief of Transportation Commandant, U.S. Army Transportation School
Commandant, U.S. Army Transportation School
An assignment at West Point can be both professionally and personally rewarding. It offers an opportunity to strengthen the intellectual skills that our Army needs in its officer corps and to work in an environment with other high-caliber officers, all while helping mold the next generation of Army leaders. It also serves as a high quality-of-life assignment for families.

COL G. Armando Peralta
LG, Deputy Director, Strategy, Concepts & Assessments (J48)
Joint Staff, J-4, Logistics Directorate
If you are a driven person who is looking to grow, thrive, and have an impact on the officer corps, don't miss the opportunity for an assignment at West Point.

COL Jana K. Fajardo
LG, Logistics Colonels Branch Manager, HRC
Working with cadets at West Point was extremely rewarding and I wouldn't trade that time for anything in the world. I was ready to leave the Army after my additional service obligation for graduate school, but working with some amazing peers and cadets helped change my mind. On a personal note, the assignment was also perfect for starting my family while I was stationed there.

COL Toni K. Sabo
Commander, MI Area Support Group-Jordan
My assignment at West Point positively impacted my career progression. The skills I learned in graduate school, combined with the practical experience I gained teaching, opened doors to follow-on positions working for leaders at the highest levels of our Army – greatly benefiting my professional development and making me competitive for both BN and BDE level commands.

COL Matthew Rowland
AV Director, Aviation Fires Evaluation Directorate (AFED)
Working with cadets at West Point is very rewarding and I wouldn't trade that time for anything in the world. I was ready to leave the Army after my additional service obligation for graduate school but working with outstanding peers and cadets helped.

Rotating Military Faculty
Rotating military faculty consists of of active-duty captains, majors, and lieutenant colonels. An assignment to West Point as a rotating faculty member requires officers to submit an application through the CAC-enabled TEACH system.
This takes you to a common application used by all departments at West Point, with additional application requirements for the departments in which you express interest. This online application system is CAC-enabled and does not require a username and password. Our best advice is to START YOUR APPLICATION EARLY.
If you have additional questions, please visit our TEACH Application Help page or our Military Faculty FAQs page.
Positions exist in a number of different departments and organizations, each requiring different knowledge, skills, and abilities. Explore opportunites and unique application requirements by department or organization.

Become a Tactical Officer
A Tactical Officer (TAC) is the legal Company Commander of a Cadet Company and the primary integrator at the United States Military Academy. They assess the potential and oversee the holistic development of cadets as required by the physical, military, academic, and moral-ethical programs. Tactical Officers coach, teach, and mentor the cadet chain of command by empowering them to take ownership and responsibility for their Cadet Company.
Consider applying for the Eisenhower Leadership Development Program (ELDP) to help shape the leaders of tomorrow’s Armed Forces, nation, and world.
Information by Directorate/Department
Learn more about specific roles and requirements for teaching at West Point – including the degree you can earn and the courses you might teach.
Selection for Admissions Officers is highly competitive. We generally select two to three Key Developed (KD) Captains to attend a two-year Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) program, with a three-year follow-on assignment to the Directorate of Admissions. Our officers attend high-quality graduate programs to obtain their master’s degree at a school of their choice. As Regional Commanders, our officers recruit the highest quality candidates, perform a variety of professional services, and provide outreach for the Army. An assignment in Admissions is a challenging and rewarding developmental experience.
The mission of the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership is to educate cadets in the behavioral, organizational, and sociological sciences to prepare them for careers as commissioned leaders of character, to inspire in them the values of Duty, Honor, Country and to provide the developmental opportunities for cadets and faculty that lead to personal and professional excellence during a career of service to our Nation and our Army.
The mission of the Brigade Tactical Department (BTD) is to educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character who lives honorably, leads honorably, and demonstrates excellence. Cadets will be committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army.
The mission of the Department of Chemistry and Life Science is to educate cadets with a firm foundation in the fields of chemistry, life science, and chemical engineering, so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character who can leverage their understanding of science to implement solutions using appropriate problem-solving skills; and to inspire cadets to a career in the United States Army and a lifetime of personal growth and service to the nation.
The mission of the Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering is to educate, develop, and inspire agile and adaptive leaders of character who design and implement innovative solutions and win in complex environments as trusted Army professionals.
The mission of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is to educate and inspire cadets to be leaders of character, prepared to think critically, innovate and apply engineering and technology expertise as Army officers.
Applicants for World Languages Division (Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish):
We are interested in qualified officers (usually captains at the 5-7 years’ time-in-service mark) who possess the aptitude to teach one or more of the languages within the DEWL, based on your Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) score (2/2 or higher) and interview. You will then attend two years of graduate school to obtain a master’s degree in the language you teach, followed by a three-year assignment to the Department of English and World Languages as one of our rotating faculty. Selection is based on a successful career, including company (battery, troop) command, undergraduate performance, and your willingness to participate in the program.
Applicants for English Division:
The department recruits outstanding junior officers passionate about the humanities to join the English Division. We are interested in qualified
officers, usually Captains at the 5–7-year time-in-service mark, who hold an undergraduate degree in English or related fields in the humanities. Selected applicants attend a two-year program to earn their master’s degree in English or related academic fields, followed by a three- year assignment to the department, teaching core courses in this discipline. General qualifications include successful completion of a KD assignment, overall military record, undergraduate performance, and a passion for English and Humanities.
The mission of the Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering is to enhance the intellectual, character, and military development of all cadets within the context of a core course in physical geography, a three course engineering sequence, four distinct majors, and a diverse offering of elective courses and to support the continued development of faculty and staff.
The mission of the Department of History is to educate, train and inspire the Corps of Cadets through the discipline of history so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army.
The mission of the Department of Law and Philosophy is to educate and inspire cadets to be commissioned leaders of character who think critically and creatively, communicate effectively, and make ethical decisions consistent with the law.
The mission of the Department of Mathematical Sciences is to educate and inspire cadets in the mathematical sciences so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country, and to support the development of cadets and faculty for careers of professional excellence and service to the nation as officers in the United States Army or leaders in their profession.
Defense and Strategic Studies (DSS) is an interdisciplinary major focused on understanding conflict, war, security, and defense by emphasizing a wide array of methodological approaches from the fields of military science, political science, international relations, economics, history, anthropology, and sociology to frame and analyze national and international security issues.
Our military faculty includes both rotating and permanent positions. Our rotating military faculty consists of active-duty captains, majors, and lieutenant colonels. You can apply to join the rotating military faculty through the advanced civil schooling program or through a direct assignment.
The mission of the Physics and Nuclear Engineering Department is to educate and inspire cadets through physics, nuclear engineering, and space science coursework and research, and to support the West Point Leader Development System so that each graduate is a leader of character prepared for a career of service to the Nation as an Officer in the US Army.
The William E. Simon Center for the Professional Military Ethic (SCPME) serves as the proponent for the Character Program which helps Cadets understand what it means to be a commissioned leader of character who achieves the West Point Leader Development System's outcomes of living honorably and leading honorably.
The mission of the Department of Social Sciences is to educate, develop, and inspire Cadets through core courses and academic majors in economics and political science, interdisciplinary minors, and related cadet development activities, and to attract, develop, and employ a faculty that excels in teaching, cadet development, scholarship and outreach, in order to prepare cadets and faculty to serve as leaders of character who make distinguished contributions to the Army and the Nation.
The West Point Department of Systems Engineering educates, develops, and inspires leaders of character who identify, formulate, and solve complex, engineering, and socio-technical problems for our Army and Nation. We use an interdisciplinary, integrative approach, that applies systems thinking, engineering design, data analysis, mathematical modeling, simulation, decision science, and project management.

Permanent Faculty
Permanent faculty positions are usually for lieutenant colonels and colonels. Permanent military faculty positions involve leaving one’s basic branch and joining the Functional Area 47 career group or becoming a Professor USMA (PUSMA).