MAJ Homme professional photo

MAJ Carson Homme

Instructor of Economics


MAJ Carson Homme is an infantry officer originally from Kennewick, Washington. He commissioned in 2011 from the United States Military Academy and has served as a Stryker and Ranger Platoon Leader, Stryker and Ranger Company Executive Officer, and more recently as an Air Assault Rifle Company and Headquarters and Headquarters Company Commander. He is currently assigned as an SS201 instructor while finishing his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Notre Dame.

He and his wife Kate have three boys, Clarke, Callian, and Clyde, as well as three dogs, and two cats.

Ongoing Research Projects

The Causal Effect of Drug Testing on Drug Crime – Within this paper, I use detailed drug testing, administrative, pay, and crime data to identify the causal effect of drug testing on drug crime. Many believe that income is the primary mechanism which prompts drug crime; however, in this paper I present new evidence that employer-mandated drug testing policies serve as an alternative mechanism.

Do I Hire Myself? The Causal Effect of Personality Similarity in Hiring – Analyzing the data of 1024 applicants exogenously assigned to hiring boards, I find no effect of personality in hiring. Within this boarding process, significant biases do exist with respect to observable characteristics among board members and applicants and the order in which they interview.

You Get What you Get and You Don’t Throw a Fit: The Causal Effect of Provider Caseload on Provider Practice – Given the exogenous assignment of provider to battalion and patient to provider, I examine how provider practice responds to exogenous variation in monthly caseloads.