Jon Malinowski

Dr. Jon Malinowski

Professor of Geography


Dr. Malinowski grew up in Vermont and began teaching at USMA in 1995.

Ongoing Research Projects

The 19th century West Point Landscape

Publications & Presentations


  • Malinowski, J. 2024. The West Point Landscape: 1802-1860. West Point, NY: West Point Press.
  • Birdsall, S., J. Malinowski, and W. Thompson. (2017). Regional Landscapes of the United States and Canada, Eighth Edition. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Thurber, C. and J. Malinowski. 2015. The Summer Camp Handbook. 15th Anniversary Revised Edition. Boyd, WI: Everything Summer Camp. 
    • Chinese Edition published 2018
  • Malinowski, J. and D. Kaplan. 2012. Human Geography. Dubuque, IA: McGraw-Hill. 
  • Palka, E., and J. Malinowski. 2010. Remembering West Point. Nashville, TN: Turner Publishing. 
    • Repackaged version of Historic Photos of West Point (2008). 

Book Chapters:

  • Malinowski, J.C., 2016. “Plagues, People, and Power: The Globalization of Disease Control.” In Liebert et al (Eds.), What’s the Worst That Could Happen? Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY: Sloan Publishing. 
  • Malinowski, J.C., 2009. Africa’s Medical Geography. In Krakowka & Hummel (Eds.), Understanding Africa: A Geographical Approach. Carlise, PA: Center for Strategic Leadership. 
  • Malinowski, J.C., 2003. “Cultural Geography”. In Geographic Perspectives: Iraq. Guilford, CT: McGraw-Hill Dushkin. 
  • Malinowski, J.C., 2003. “Cultural Geography”. In Geographic Perspectives: Afghanistan. Guilford, CT: McGraw-Hill Dushkin. 
  • Malinowski, J.C., 2003. “Cultural Geography”. In Geographic Perspectives: North Korea. Guilford, CT: McGraw-Hill Dushkin.


  • Malinowski, J. (Editor), 2003. Iraq: A Geography. West Point, NY: United States Military Academy.

Select Peer-Reviewed:

  • Butkus, M.A., and J.C. Malinowski. “The long iron line: Water resources development at the United States Military Academy, West Point (1802–1943).” JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association (2022): JAWR-22-0063-P. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.13071.
  • Keith, B., J. LeBoeuf, M. Meese, J. Malinowski, M. Gallagher, S. Efflandt, J. Hurley, and C. Green. 2002. “Assessing Students’ Understanding of Human Behavior: A Multi-Disciplinary Outcomes-Based Approach for the Design and Assessment of an Academic Program Goal.” Teaching Sociology 30:4. DOI: 10.2307/3211503.
  • Johnson, M., and J. Malinowski. 2001. “Navigating the Active Learning Swamp.” Journal of College Science Teaching 31:172-177. Link.
  • Malinowski, J.C. 2001. “Mental Rotation and Real-World Wayfinding.” Perceptual and Motor Skills, 92: 19-30. DOI: 10.2466/pms.2001.92.1.19.
  • Malinowski, J.C., and W.T. Gillespie. 2001. “Individual Differences in Performance on a Large-Scale, Real-World Wayfinding Task.” Journal of Environmental Psychology 21(1):73-82. DOI: 10.1006/jevp.2000.0183.

Select Seminars, Colloquia, and Presentations:

  • Malinowski, J. “Beyond the Gothic in West Point Architecture.” American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Paper Presentation (Honolulu, HI), April 2024.
  • Malinowski, J. “Ghosts in the Landscape: The Challenges of Creating a Historical Atlas.” Geography Awareness Week Colloquium, Invited Presentation, (Villanova, PA), November 2023.