MAJ Kyle Carberry

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MAJ Kyle Carberry



MAJ Carberry was commissioned into the Corps of Engineers from the United States Military Academy in 2012. He holds a BS in Nuclear Engineering from West Point, an MS in Engineering Management from the University of Missouri Science and Technology, and an MS in Nuclear Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. MAJ Carberry has served in a variety of operational assignments that include service as a platoon leader and executive officer in Brigade Engineer Battalion of the 2d Cavalry Regiment at Vilseck, Germany and commander of the 68th Engineer Construction Company in the 36th Engineer Brigade at Fort Hood, Texas. He deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom from 2013-2014. MAJ Carberry is presently serving as an instructor in the introductory physics course. MAJ Carberry's awards and decorations include the Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medal, and Air Assault Badge.

Publications & Presentations

B. Petrovic, K. Carberry, J. Faulkner, C. Bayne, R. Rahaman “Preliminary Assessment of Parallel Efficiency of SCALE CSAS6 and T6-DEPL Sequences,” 13th International Conference of the Croatian Nuclear Society, Zadar, Croatia, Jun. 2022. [Pending Review]

K. Carberry and B. Petrovic “Neutronic Coupling of Core and Out-of-Vessel Structures for Molten Salt Reactors and Evaluation of Its Effects on Dose Rates Using the SCALE/CAAS Methodology,” International Conference on Radiation Shielding, Seattle, WA, (Sep. 2022)

K. Carberry and B. Petrovic, “Molten Salt Reactor Fission Source Characterization and Initial Shielding Analysis,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 124, pp. 636-638 (June 2021)