Dr. Aaron Phipps
Assistant Professor
Dr. Phipps studies Labor Economics, particularly in the public sector. His work focuses on incentives and motivation for K-12 education and other public organizations. Other work focuses on the development of human capital in the 21st century and its growing complications. He is the course director and designer for "Leadership Economics," which uses micro-foundations to develop a framework explaining the role of leaders and how they are effective in a variety of contexts. This work combines research in neuroscience, behavioral economics, and neoclassical utility theory.
CV available at personal website
Ongoing Research Projects
Jack of All Trades or Master of One? The Converging Skillsets of College Majors and Implications for Wage Polarization
Personnel Contracts with Production Uncertainty: Theory and Evidence from Teacher Performance Incentives
Multi-tasking with Production Uncertainty: A Real-Effort Laboratory Experiment Using Google App Engine
Effects of Free Community College on Army Enlistment, with Celeste Carruthers, Michael Kofoed, and Jenna Kramer
Measuring the Sheepskin Effects of a College Degree with a Natural Experiment from WWI, with Tim Simmons Justicz and Joseph Price
The Cost of Bad Timing: The Effect of Military Exit Timing on Veteran Educational Attainment with Carl Wojitaszek
Does Monitoring Change Teacher Pedagogy and Student Outcomes?
Publications & Presentations
Phipps, Aaron and Emily Wiseman. Enacting the Rubric: Teacher Improvements in Windows High-stakes Observation (Forthcoming, Education Finance and Policy).
Ransom, Michael, and Aaron Phipps. 2017. The Changing Occupational Distribution by College Major. Research in Labor Economics. Vol. 45.