Dr. Jennifer Maddocks

Dr. Jennifer Maddocks

Assistant Professor



Jennifer Maddocks is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Law at the United States Military Academy, West Point. She teaches the department’s course on comparative legal systems and is a Faculty Fellow with the Lieber Institute for Law and Warfare. She also serves as the Managing Editor for the Lieber Institute’s Articles of War blog.

Dr. Maddocks started her legal career in private practice, working for eight years as an employment lawyer at law firms in London and in Dorset, England. She then served for more than thirteen years as an officer in the British Army Legal Services. During her military career, Dr. Maddocks performed a range of roles including operational deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq. In addition, she spent one year assigned to the International Military Advisory and Training Team in Sierra Leone and three years at the Service Prosecuting Authority in Germany. From 2016 to 2018, Dr. Maddocks was assigned to the Stockton Center for International Law at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island. There, she commenced her PhD studies, focusing on State responsibility for international law violations involving non-State actors in armed conflict under the supervision of Professor Michael Schmitt. Following her return to the UK, Dr. Maddocks worked as the legal adviser at an operational headquarters, advising on a variety of international law issues. She was awarded her PhD in January 2022 and joined the Department of Law in September 2022. 

Publications & Presentations

Putin Admits to Funding the Wagner Group: Implications for Russia’s State Responsibility, Articles of War (June 30, 2023)

Contracts Between the Wagner Group and Russia’s Defense Ministry: International Law Implications, Articles of War (June 16, 2023)

International Society for Military Law and the Laws of War, Seminar for Legal Advisers, panel on human rights in armed conflict (June 2023)

Detention in Non-International Armed Conflicts, Articles of War (May 15, 2023)

Canadian Armed Forces’ Office of the Judge Advocate General, Legal Education Conference, presentation on State responsibility (April 2023)

Gonzaga Journal of International Law Symposium, presentation on State responsibility (April 2023)

Does Russia Exercise Overall Control over the Wagner Group? Expert Q&A from Stockton Center’s Russia-Ukraine Conference, Just Security (April 5, 2023)

Trilateral Workshop on Large-Scale Combat Operations, panel on detention (March 2023)

The Wagner Group: Status and Accountability, Articles of War (February 23, 2023)

Lieber Institute Fall Workshop, panel on military manuals (November 2023)

State Responsibility for Non-State Actors’ Conduct, Articles of War (November 4, 2022)

Russia, the Wagner Group, and the Issue of Attribution, Articles of War (April 28, 2021) 

British Army Legal Services International Law Conference, presentation on State responsibility (October 2021)

Institute for International Humanitarian Law, IHL in-depth course, legal aspects of working with partners (June and October 2021, May 2022)

Modern War Institute and the Lieber Institute for Law and Warfare, multi-disciplinary panel on the future of proxy warfare (April 2021)

Outsourcing of Governmental Functions in Contemporary Conflict: Rethinking the Issue of Attribution, 59 Virginia Journal of International Law 47-95 (2019)


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