COL Nicholas Clark

COL Nicholas Clark

Academy Professor, Associate Professor


Office Location: Thayer Hall, Room 229 US Army Branch: FA-49

Publications & Presentations


  • Clark, N. and Dixon, P. (2023) "Extended Laplace Approximation for Self-Exciting Spatio-Temporal Models of Count Data." Spatial Statistics.
  • Hollis, A, Moore, T., Wilson, A., Clark, N (2023) "From FMECA to Decision: A Fully Bayesian Reliability Process." Military Operations Research
  • Smith, M., Turner, D., Spencer, C., Gist, N, Ferreira, S., Quigley, K., Walsh, T., Clark, N., Boldt, W., Espe, J., Thomas, D.M. (2023) "Body Shape and Performance on the US Army Combat Fitness Test: Insights from a 3D Body Image Scanner." Plos One, 18(5).
  • Thomas, D., Kleinberg, S., Brown, A., Crow, M., Bastian, N., Reisweber, N., Lasater, R., Kendall, T., Shafto, P., Blaine, R., Smith, S., Ruiz, D., Morrell, C., Clark, N. (2023) "Machine Learning Modeling Practices to Support the Principles of AI and Ethics in Nutrition Research." Nutrition & Diabetes, 12(1), 1-10.
  • Campa, F., Thomas, D.M., Watts, K., Clark, N., Baller, D., Morin, T., Toselli, S., Koury, J.C., Melchiorri, G., Andreoli, A., Mascherini, G., Petri, C., Sardinha, L.B., Silva, A.M. "Reference Percentiles for Bioelectrical Phase Angle in Athletes." Biology 2022, 11, 264. 
  • Clark, N. and Watts, K., "Identification of Latent Structure in Spatio-Temporal Models of Violence," 2021 Winter Simulation Conference, 2021, pp. 1-8.
  • Guiles, B., Galbreath, D., Clark, N., Sikora, T., & Pulleyblank, W. (2022). Forecasting Demand for Medical Screening at West Point. Military Operations Research, 27(2), 45-58.
  • Evangelista, P., Clark, N., Dabkowski, M., Kloo, I. "Modeling and Analysis in Support of Organizational Decisions During the COVID-19 Pandemic." Industrial and Systems Engineering Review, 9(1), 2-14, 2021. 
  • Echeveste, D., Lee, A., Clark, N., "Using Spatial Uncertainty to Dynamically Determine UAS Flight Paths", Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 101(4), April 2021. 
  • Clark, N., Dixon, P., "A Class of Spatially Correlated Self-Exciting Statistical Models", Spatial Statistics, 43, 2021. 
  • Clark, N., Dabkowski, M., Driscoll, P., Kennedy, D., Kloo, I, *Shi, H. "Empirical Decision Rules for Improving the Uncertainty Reporting of Small Sample System Usability Scale Scores", International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, January 2021. 
  • Humphries, S., *Parker, T., Jonas, B., Adams, B., Clark, N. "A Dual U-Net Algorithm for Automating Feature Extraction From Satellite Imagery", Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, January 2021.
  • Clark, N.J., Macdonald, B., Kloo, I. (2020). A Bayesian Adjusted Plus-Minus Analysis for the Esport Dota 2. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 28(8), 325-341.
  • Thomas, D., Sturdivant, R., Dhurandhar, N., Debroy, S., Clark, N.J. (2020). A Primer on COVID-19 Mathematical Models. Obesity, 28(8), 1375-1377.
  • Cummiskey, K., Adams, B., Pleuss, J., Turner, D., Clark, N.J., Watts, K. (2020). Causal Inference in Introductory Statistics Courses. Journal of Statistical Education, 28(1), 22-28.
  • Thomas, D., Clark, N.J., …, & Allison, D., (2019). Best (but oft-forgotten) practices: Identifying and Accounting for Regression to the Mean in Nutrition and Obesity Research. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 111(2).
  • Clark, N. J., & Dixon, P. M. (2018). Modeling and estimation for self-exciting spatio-temporal models of terrorist activity. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 12(1), 633-653.
  • Blanchong, J. A., Anderson, C. A., Clark, N. J., Klaver, R. W., Plummer, P. J., Cox, M., ... & Wolff, P. L. (2018). Respiratory disease, behavior, and survival of mountain goat kids. The Journal of Wildlife Management. 
  • Rovira, E., Mackie, R. S., Clark, N., Squire, P. N., Hendricks, M. D., Pulido, A. M., & Greenwood, P. M. (2016). A role for attention during wilderness navigation: Comparing effects of BDNF, KIBRA, and CHRNA4. Neuropsychology, 30(6), 709.
  • Waterman, B. R., Cameron, K. L., Hsiao, M., Langston, J. R., Clark, N. J., & Owens, B. D. (2015). Trends in the diagnosis of SLAP lesions in the US military. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 23(5), 1453-1459.
  • Clark, N. J., & Jackson, J. (2013). Development of Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Models for Assessing Effectiveness of Spending in Iraq. Military Operations Research, 18(1), 5-19.