Dr. J Ledlie (Led) Klosky, P.E.
Dean’s Executive Agent for Design and Construction
Professor of Civil Engineering
Ongoing Research Projects
Connectivity of Wildlife Habitats
Educational Facilities
Planning, Engineering Education
Creativity in Engineering Education
Publications & Presentations
Selected Peer-reviewed technical publications:
Klosky, J.L., Riser, B. (2021). “Infrastructure Engineering – Appreciating the Art and Science of Our Built Environment,” Ch. 2 in Teaching and the Learning the West Point Way: Educating the Next Generation of Leaders; Ender, MG, Kimball, RA, Sondheimer, RM and Bruhl, JC (eds). (New York and London: Routledge)
Klosky, J.L., with many assists and stakeholder contributions (2021). Looking Forward – A Comprehensive Plan for the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson. Available online and through the Village Government Office.
Hart, SC, Klosky, JL, Katalenich, S, Spittka, B and Wright, E. (2014) Infrastructure and the Operational Art: A Handbook for Understanding, Visualizing, and Describing Infrastructure Systems US Army, Report Number ERDC/CERL TR-14-14 and online at http://acwc.sdp.sirsi.net/client/default
Hart, S., Klosky, J., and Katalenich, S. (2014). “Conceptual Models for Infrastructure Leadership.” J. of Management in Engineering (30) . American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Reston, VA. Pre-published May 2013 online.
Klosky, J.L., and Klosky, W. (2013) “Men of Action: French Influence and the Founding of American Civil and Military Engineering.” J. of Construction History, Construction History Society. Vol 28 No. 3.
Boone, M., and Klosky, J.L. (2013) “Moral Hazard in the Floodplain Home Development System: An Analysis.” The Homeland Security Review, California University of PA, California, PA, 9(1).
Tamm, G., Klosky, J.L., Baxter, J., Grant, L., Melnick, I., Young, J. (2014) “Waste Heat Recovery from Generators in the Deployed Army.” Proceedings of the ASME 2014 8th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, Boston, MA.
Selected Engineering Education Publications:
Bruhl, J., Klosky, J.L. (2020) “Deliberate Development of Creative Engineers.” Proc., 2020 National Conference, ASEE, Washington, D.C.
Bruhl J, Klosky JL. (2019) “Inclusive Teaching: A Call for Creativity” ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Fall Conference. New York, NY: American Society for Engineering Education.
Barry, Brock E., William C. Graves, and J. Ledlie Klosky (2017). "Knowledge Decay in an Engineering Mechanics Sequence." J. of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice V. 143, Issue 3.
Esmaeili, B, Parker, PJ, Hart, S, Mayer, BK, Klosky, JL, and Penn, MR (2016) “Inclusion of an Introduction to Infrastructure Course in a Civil and Environmental Engineering Curriculum.” J. of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Reston, VA.
Klosky, J.L., Katalenich, S.M., Spittka, B., and Freyne, SF (2014) “Inspiring Student Engagement through Two-Minute Follies.” Proc., 2014 National Conference, ASEE, Washington, D.C.
Bristow, E., Bruhl, J., and Klosky, J.L.. (2014) “Effect of Supplemental Instructional Videos on Student Performance in Engineering Mechanics Class.” International J. of Engineering Education V30 #3, p 566-575. TEMPUS Publications, Great Britain.
Hart, S., Klosky, J., and Katalenich, S. (2014). “Conceptual Models for Infrastructure Leadership.” J. of Management in Engineering (30) . American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Reston, VA. Pre-published May 2013 online.
Klosky, J.L., Hart, S., and Katalenich, S. (2012) “Requiring a Course in Infrastructure for All Graduates.” Proc., 2012 National Conference, ASEE, Washington, D.C.
Invited Presentations:
“The 50-Year Choice – Educational Spaces for What’s Ahead.” (Oct 2021). Presentation to the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society. Interdisciplinary communication with sociologists and political scientists.
“Fourth Industrial Revolution benchmark: West Point’s Cyber Engineering and Academic Center (CEAC).” (Nov, 2021) University Facilities for the Sciences and Advanced Technologies 2021. Plenary Session of a large architectural conference.
“French Volunteer Officers in the Service of the U.S. Military & It’s New Academy at West Point.” (Oct 2019). Presentation at the Lower Manhattan Historical Association’s Seventh Annual Commemoration of American Victories at the Battles of Saratoga and Yorktown.
“Infrastructure Models for Communication and Political Engagement - Combining Politics, Knowledge and Action to Meet Society’s Needs.” (April 2016) Presentation to students and faculty in the Civil Engineering Program at the University of Colorado as part of their senior design course, Boulder, CO.
“Engineering the Infrastructure Conversation.” (Oct. 2013) With Haddad, S., and based on work of Klosky, J.L., and Hart, S. 90-minute lecture at the Annual Conference of ASCE, Charlotte, NC.
“Men of Action: French Influence and the Founding of American Civil and Military Engineering.” (2012) Invited Keynote Address based on the work of Klosky, J.L., and Klosky, W. 4th International Congress on Construction History, The Écoles nationales supérieures d’architecture Paris-Malaquais, Paris La Villette and Versailles as well as the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM).
Superior Civilian Service Medal, 2020
2010 National Outstanding Teaching Medal from the American Society for Engineering Education, 2010
Outstanding Teaching Medal for the Mid-Atlantic section of the American Society for Engineering Education, 2009
Peter S. Michie Outstanding Teacher Award, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering at West Point, 2008