LTC Kyle Greenberg
Associate Professor
OEMA Director of Long-Term Research
Lieutenant Colonel Kyle Greenberg is an Academy Professor of Economics in the Department of Social Sciences and the Director of Long-Term Research for the Army’s Office of Economic and Manpower and Analysis (OEMA). His primary areas of research are labor economics, public finance, the economics of education, and market design. Kyle served tours in Iraq and Germany prior to teaching at West Point. He earned a BS in Mathematics from West Point in 2005 and a Ph.D. in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2015. You can visit his website at:
Publications & Presentations
Peer Reviewed Publications
“The Effects of Combat Deployments on Veterans’ Outcomes” (with Jesse Bruhn, Matthew Gudgeon, Evan Rose, and Yotam Shem-Tov). Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming. NBER Working Paper.
- Media/Other Attention: NBER Digest; BFI Research Brief
“Redesigning the US Army's Branching Process: A Case Study in Minimalist Market Design” (with Parag Pathak and Tayfun Sonmez). American Economic Review, April 2024. NBER Working Paper.
“Army Service in the All-Volunteer Era” (with Matthew Gudgeon, Adam Isen, Corbin Miller, and Richard Patterson). The Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 2022.
- Media/Other Attention: New York Times; Fordham Institute; KSL News; Social Science of War Podcast
“The Effect of Service-Length Obligations on Occupational Selection: Evidence from West Point Graduates” (with Samuel Redman). Defence and Peace Economics, July 2022.
“Association of Disability Compensation with Mortality and Hospitalizations among Vietnam-Era Veterans with Diabetes” (with Amal Trivedi, Lan Jiang, Donald R. Miller, Shailender Swaminathan, Courtney A. Johnson, and Wen-Chih Wu). JAMA Internal Medicine, June 2022.
“Effects of Flipped Classroom Instruction: Evidence from a Randomized Trial” (with Elizabeth Setren, Oliver Moore, and Michael Yankovich). Education Finance and Policy, July 2021.
- Media/Other Attention: Education Week; Times Higher Education; The Education Gadfly Show; Dagens Næringsliv
“The Impact of Computer Usage on Academic Performance: Evidence from a Randomized Trial at the United States Military Academy” (with Susan Carter and Michael Walker). Economics of Education Review, February 2017.
- Featured in Mastering Econometrics: Introduction to Randomized Trials
- Media/Other Attention: New York Times; Brookings Institution; Washington Post; NPR
“The Impact of Disability Benefits on Labor Supply: Evidence from the VA’s Disability Compensation Program” (with David H. Autor, Mark Duggan, and David S. Lyle). American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, July 2016.
Working Papers
“An Experimental Evaluation of Deferred Acceptance: Evidence from Over 100 Army Officer Labor Markets” (with Jonathan Davis and Damon Jones). Reject and resubmit, Econometrica. NBER Working Paper.
“The Heterogeneous Value of a Statistical Life: Evidence from U.S. Army Reenlistment Decisions” (with Michael Greenstone, Stephen Ryan, and Michael Yankovich). NBER Working Paper. SSRN Working Paper. Research Brief.
Other Publications
“Winning In The Marketplace: How Officers And Units Can Get The Most Out of the Army Talent Alignment Process” (with Mark Crow and Carl Wojtaszek). Modern War Institute, November 2020.
“Should Professors Ban Laptops? How Classroom Computer Use Affects Student Learning” (with Susan Carter and Michael Walker). Education Next, September 2017.
“Unmanned Aerial Systems: Quality As Well As Quantity.” Military Review, July 2010.
“The Price of Security: A Cost Benefit Analysis of Screening Of Checked Baggage” (with Michael Powell and Tate Jarrow). The Journal of Undergraduate Mathematics and Its Applications, v24, no.2, 2003, 153-168.
Selected Works In Progress
"The Impact of Female Gender Integration on Men's Performance and Perceptions: Evidence from the U.S. Army" (with Melanie Wasserman and Anna Weber).
"Intergenerational Effects of Occupation Choice: Evidence from the United States Army" (with Matthew Gudgeon, Adam Isen, Corbin Miller, and Richard Patterson).
Invited Lectures and Conference Presentations
2023 ASSA Annual Meetings , Society of Labor Economists Annual Meeting, NBER Summer Institute—Labor Studies / Personnel, U.S. Naval Academy
2022 NBER Summer Institute—National Security, WEAI Annual Conference
2021 ASSA Annual Meetings
2020 NBER Summer Institute—Labor Studies (coauthor presented), NBER Summer Institute—National Security (coauthor presented), Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management
2017 ASSA Annual Meetings
2016 U.S. Census Bureau, Association for Education Finance and Policy
2014 American Enterprise Institute